Page 791 of Not Over You
She’s in so much pain and I’m so not good at this. I pull her in for a hug, and, without words, I show her I care. “You did choose him. And for whatever it’s worth, you made the right decision.”
When I agreed to move in with Zane, a part of me wasn’t thinking long term. I was just so excited to be home from the book signing and eager to spend some quality time with him again. But, when he nonchalantly broached the subject about selling the condo over morning coffee, it shook me to my core. Could I rent it to a stranger or would I sell it outright? Was I ready to let go of the past? Could I give up my independence and move in with him on a permanent basis? I didn’t have the answers to any of his questions or mine for that matter, so I had dragged my feet until the very last minute. Which is the reason why I’m emotionally drained and physically exhausted after this shit show of a day. Now all I want is a glass of wine, a bubble bath and my sexy man. Not necessarily in that order.
The moment I step inside, I find comfort in the fact that I made the right decision. This feels like home now, since Zane went out of his way to make it mine. The cubby is my personal writing cave and he even went so far as to give me my own space in his studio. And sitting out on the deck yields more inspiration than the four walls of my condo ever did. As tired as I am, I’m excited to tell Zane how I spent my day.
My enthusiasm is soon forgotten when I witness my man with his arms around another woman. A leggy blonde whose hair is blowing in the breeze as they embrace out on the deck. His ex, Dakota Wade. My heart stills when he brushes away a wisp of hair and cups her face. My introvert self wants to run for the hills but thank God my feet won’t allow it. As soon as I compose myself, I will walk out onto my deck and introduce myself. Dakota had her chance with Zane and she blew it. She doesn’t get a do-over.
I decide to get this awkward introduction over with once and for all, at the exact same time they decide to come inside. Clearly, she’s uncomfortable when she sees me standing there but Zane’s face lights up and that’s more than enough for me.
“Lili, you’re home just in the nick of time. Dakota stopped by to give me some good news. She’s getting married and asked if I’d do her the honor of giving her away.” Woohoo, does he expect me to jump for joy. Bitch is in my house mauling my man, and he wants me to be excited.
Not happening.
“That’s wonderful news, Dakota. Congratulations.” I purposely slip my arm around Zane’s waist before extending my hand. She politely shakes it with no enthusiasm as I firmly grip hers with just a little extra squeeze for good measure. Proving to her that I might be small but I pack a mean punch. I never realized how territorial I felt about Zane until now, and although she came here to announce her wedding, one can never be sure.
“Why don’t we all go out to dinner to celebrate?” Only a man would make this stupid suggestion when two lovers are in the same room. I have no desire to dine with her while they swap stories about their time together.
None whatsoever.
Dakota jumped in before I could respond. “That sounds lovely, Z, but I’ll take a raincheck. I have a meeting with my dress designer and I don’t want to be late. It was nice meeting you, Lili, and now that I know Zane has a real girlfriend, I’ll make sure to add you as his plus one.”
See, I had her pegged from the get go. Bitch!
We walk her to the door but when Zane opens it, she spins around and wraps her arms around his neck and plants a kiss on his beautiful mouth. Oh, I want to grab her by the hair and pull her away from him. Zane releases her arms but before he takes a step back, I see a sly smile and a twinkle in her eye. She did it on purpose and that infuriates me even more. Why do women think it’s okay to get all grabby-feely with someone else’s man?
When she’s out of sight, I slam the door. “Well, that was fun,” I complain.
Zane loses it right then and there. He throws his head back and laughs until tears slip down his cheeks. This is the first time I’ve ever seen him find something so amusing. I’m appalled, but at the same time, his laughter is contagious.
We’re both wiping our eyes before he pulls me in for an embrace. I can finally exhale when his body presses against mine. “She had no right to taunt you that way and you have no reason to be jealous, Lili. She pales in comparison to you. If anything, Dakota might have been a bit envious of you, since you have something she never truly had. Not in the way she would have wanted me, anyway.”
“Well, I highly doubt a gorgeous woman like that is envious of me but enough about Dakota. I have something really important to discuss with you. Can we sit down?”
Immediately, the palm of his hand settles on the small of my back as he leads me into the living room. We sit on the sofa and he instantly drapes his arm across my shoulder, giving my arm a squeeze. I melt into him, just so he knows there’s nothing to worry about. “I met with a realtor today about selling the condo.”
“Oh, I hadn’t realized you were planning to since you hadn’t mentioned anything to me.”
“I was in town running errands and happened to pass by an agency, so I thought I’d stop in. When I mentioned that I was thinking of selling my condo at the Brighton complex, he wanted to make me an offer sight unseen. Apparently, they’re in demand since they’re close to the U District.”
He tilts my chin, just in time to see the fear in my eyes. “Baby, please don’t sell it on my account. I know it’s a big decision and I’ll support you no matter what, but don’t let him talk you into something you’ll regret. Did you accept his offer?”
“No, I told him I couldn’t possibly accept it without him seeing it first. So I’m going to meet him there tomorrow at three. He offered me some crazy money, Zane, and it’s almost too much to turn down.”
“Remember, all the money in the world won’t make you happy if you’re not ready to let it go. Don’t do anything on a whim. If you want me to be there for reinforcement, then I’ll gladly go with you. Just say the word and I’m there.”
“You’re so sweet and I love you for it, but I can do this on my own. I know you’re right, the money is tempting. But I promise I won’t do anything reckless.”
I know I sound like a broken record and Zane might be tired of my woe-is-me story, but a part of me still can’t let go. Deep down I know if I sell the condo, I won’t be losing the memories I hold in my heart for Ryder. But, it’s so hard letting go. I’m just grateful that I’ve found a man who is understanding and empathetic to my needs. He’s so patient and kind and I’m so lucky to have him. “I suppose I should finally let Mike know I forgive him for scaring the bejesus out of me that night.”
His chest vibrates with laughter once again as he pulls me in closer. “What the hell brought that on all of a sudden?”
“If it weren’t for him, I might never have met you.” I guess he’s satisfied with that explanation when he silences me with his mouth slanting over mine. Eliminating any and all thoughts I had of Dakota or Mike.