Page 11 of Damien
I speak as quietly as I can. “I know, and I'm trying so hard not to stare at him.”
I’m not even sure Mara can hear me, but I don’t want to risk being caught.
Damien glances my way once again before continuing. “Okay, so I am going to dismiss class for the day. Use this extra time to make sure you have the supplies needed. I’ll see you all next class.”
His gaze doesn’t meet mine this time and disappointment fills my chest.
“Go and talk to him before this opportunity passes. I’ll meet you outside.” Mara heads for the door as I try to make my way up to him.
I am surprised to see students lining up to speak to him. In fact, there appears to be a long line forming.
One male student pushes past me and says, “Of course, all the girls want to speak to him.”
Another one replies, “That’s pretty typical when you have a semi-fit professor.”
I turn around and head out the door, trying to find Mara so we can head to the store.
“Done already?” Her voice is full of surprise.
“I didn’t get a chance to speak to him because there was a long line of students.” I mumble as we head outside.
The sun is warm and soothing on my skin. Yoga out here in the sun would be more relaxing than inside the gym.
“All girls?”
I chuckle. “Yeah.”
“Of course, they want time with him. You weren’t kidding. He’s pretty hot. If I didn’t know you already claimed him, I’d definitely try to get brownie points with him. Are you jealous? Because if you are, that would be totally understandable.”
“Mara!” I say before getting the topic of conversation off Damien and his hotness and my jealousy. “So, do you want to head to the student store?”
“Yeah, we can, or…” She pauses.
“Or what?”
We need to get a yoga mat before the next class and tomorrow I may forget.
“We can take my fancy new car and head to the mall. We can grab a bite to eat in the food court and then buy us some new hot yoga outfits. You’ve got a man to keep, and I need to find a man.”
Without hesitating, I say, “Let’s do it.”
We half jog, half speed walk back to the suite where we drop our bags in our rooms and rush outside to Mara’s car.
“Top down or up?” She asks while cranking the car.
“Since the sun is out, and the temperature is warm, let’s put the top down and enjoy it while we can.”
Mara cheers in agreement and puts the top down.
The sun feels great despite the cool air whipping our hair around. The good thing about this town is that the university is the biggest thing here, and it is centrally located to everything.
It only takes thirty minutes to drive to the mall and get parked.
Mara chooses a spot close to the elevator on the third floor of the parking garage. She skillfully puts the top up, clicks it into place, and locks it down with the handles.
I nonchalantly check my phone, hoping for a text from him but not seeing anything, so I slip it in my back pocket.
“Where do you want to go first? Food court or yoga gear?”