Page 12 of Damien
“Food first, please. I don’t know why I continue to eat cereal. It is once again a waste of calories because I am starving again.” Mara laughs and locks the doors as we make a beeline straight to our favorite place in the food court, The Chicken Shack.
Sure, the name might disgust some people, but trust me when I say they have the best food. Chicken sandwiches, tenders, and nuggets- they have it all. And Mara and I have tried everything they offer.
“Tenders or nuggets today?” I ask Mara when we step up to the counter.
“Both? We can share if you want.” She suggests with a shrug.
“One tender meal and one nugget meal, please.” I place our order and pay since Mara paid last time.
We fill up our cups with soda and grab our food before finding a table in the middle of the food court.
“So, should I bring it up or are you going to?” Mara says as she shoves a nugget into her mouth.
“Bring up what? That your mom would be appalled at your manners right now?” I tease, not really wanting to talk about what she is hinting at.
She quickly looks around before flicking me off, causing me to laugh out loud as I take a nugget for myself.
“No. I meant Damien. How weird is it he is our yoga teacher?” Her voice is low in case people try to listen in on our conversation.
“Well, it is weird, but not really. I knew he was into yoga since we did it together every morning, but I had no clue he lived in the same small town as me or that he was a professor. We never discussed real life because we wanted to stay in vacay-land.”
Yoga actually helped keep me flexible, and I was ever so thankful since I was put in many different positions that required flexibility.
“I bet you did. Do it every morning, I mean.” Mara wags her eyebrows at her sexual reference.
“Well, it wasn’t limited to just the morning. There was mid-morning, afternoon, evening, and nighttime as well.”
My face blushes a deep red at the memories.
“You two must have been at it like rabbits. Now I can see why the two of you had no free time to talk about life or your age.” Mara teases, but I know we should have discussed these things.
“Well, we did talk about our dreams and what not. He couldn’t believe that I have no plans or dreams for my future other than to take it one day at a time.”
I couldn’t tell him I feel like a lost ship in the middle of the night, desperately searching for my safe harbor.
“He dreams of retiring early and living his days on the cape. While that sounds fantastic, I’m realistic and know I will have to work in a crappy job for at least twenty years before thinking about retirement.”
Of course, everyone is always telling me I should pick a career that I love, but nothing comes to mind when I think about my future.
“That’s something at least, and proves me wrong that maybe the two of you actually had good conversations to really get to know one another.” Mara gathers our trash and heads to the nearest trash can.
Walking side by side, we head to the only store in this mall that has yoga gear- the sports store.
“We talked about everything and anything but our jobs, ages, and family. Well, we brushed up on family, but it’s an awkward subject to talk about when a guy is balls deep in you.”
“That might actually be too much information, but I’m living for these details. Eventually, you will tell me everything, but maybe after we graduate, so I don’t look at him in weird ways during class.”
Mara pulls me into the store and we head to the back where the yoga mats and apparel are.
“I call the blue flowery mat.” I yell as I run ahead of her to grab the last blue mat on the shelf.
“Well, then, I call the lime green one with a weird-looking cactus on it.” Mara laughs as she grabs it off the shelf.
“Now onto clothes.” I say as I turn towards the apparel department, but she pulls on my arm, causing me to fall to her side. “What?”
“Towels.” Mara says while pointing to some on the top shelf.
“Do we need special towels? I was just going to bring one of the hand towels that my mom was dead set on giving me, but I never use.”