Page 52 of Damien
He gives her a pointed look before turning his gaze to me and saying, “There’s no reason for you to be nervous. We are here after hours, working on non school related stuff, so I think it is only appropriate for you to call me Seth.”
He flashes me a dazzling smile, and I can immediately see why Mara is so smitten with him.
“Thanks.” I say, looking between the two of them. “Both of you. I know you were not expecting this at all.”
Mara drags two chairs towards his desk before sitting in the one closest to Seth.
He shrugs. “Hey, no worries! Like Mara told you, this is a hobby, and I rarely get to do it anymore. So, first things first- I need to access his work email.”
He focuses on the computer screen and taps a few keys on the keypad.
Mara pats the empty seat next to her. “Come sit, so you can see what he finds.”
“If I find something. It’s not always a guarantee that I will find something incriminating.” His gaze meets mine, and I can see that he hopes he doesn’t find anything bad.
I take the unoccupied seat and stare at the screen.
He types in a long command with several symbols. The screen goes black for a moment before the background is replaced with a picture of the Cape.
I instantly recognize this picture. It is one Damien took over spring break; it’s the one that he uses as his screensaver. I’ve seen it a few times in class.
I look at Seth with disbelief in my eyes. “How are you on his computer? The one that is across campus in his classroom.”
“Wait, that’s his computer?” Mara asks.
She looks just as surprised as I am.
I nod my head. “Yeah. He took that picture on our last afternoon together over spring break. He mentioned how the sky was as perfect as the week was and he wanted to capture it forever.”
“Aww! That’s so romantic.” She stares at the picture with love struck eyes.
Seth huffs in his seat. “More like that’s so cheesy.”
“You are lacking a romantic bone in your body,” Mara says.
“Oh, well.” Seth shrugs his shoulders. “You like me anyway.”
“Yep. I sure do.” Mara leans over and places a kiss on his smooth, shaved cheek.
“Get a room.” I tease.
Mara responds by sticking her tongue out at me.
Letting out a laugh, I say, “I’m happy to see you happy.”
“It has been a while, hasn’t it?” She asks while leaning her head on his shoulder.
Even though they haven’t been dating long, I can see the blossoming love in their eyes. Her outgoing personality will compliment his down to earth one.
After several minutes, Seth’s voice fills the air. “I don’t see anything in his work email regarding his whereabouts. In fact, he rarely even uses his work email. The last email was over two months ago.”
Mara sits up and looks over at me.
“Girl, I hate to keep saying this, but maybe you need to face the music that he doesn’t want a relationship. He is stringing you along and giving you little bits and pieces of what you want. Little pieces of what the two of you had over spring break.”
I chuckle despite what she just said. “For someone that ‘hates to say this’, you sure do say it a lot.”
Seth exits out of Damien’s email, and the three of us stare at the picture of the Cape.