Page 53 of Damien
“He’s never even signed into a personal email on the computer or gone on the internet. There is no search history, so he either wiped it clean, or he never uses the computer, which is what I would assume is the case.”
My voice is quiet; my heart aches as my mind conjures up images of him with the blonde professor.
“So, why is he ignoring me? Why won’t he answer my calls or text messages?”
Seth remains calm and level-headed. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. From what I can tell, he doesn’t really seem like the type to use technology, so maybe he leaves his phone at home or in his car. According to his schedule, he should be in class right now.”
I let out a frustrated sigh. “Yeah, our class, and he never showed up.”
“Yes! You’re right!” Mara exclaims. Her loudness causes me to jump.
Seth and I turn to look at her and wait for her to explain.
“What you said before, Seth.” Mara riddles.
He looks just as confused as I feel right now. “And what was that? Help me out a little bit. I suck at riddles.”
“You mentioned leaving his phone in the car.” Mara explains.
“Uh huh.” Seth’s gaze is still filled with confusion.
Mara chuckles. “Can you find out where he parks? If Shae knows the parking lot and spot number, she can try to corner him when he tries to go home.”
“That’s a great idea, bestie!” I reply sarcastically.
The last thing I want to do is be caught hanging out in the teacher’s parking lot.
“Thank you.” She says before her smile quickly fades. “Wait, you were being sarcastic because you never say bestie. So, you don’t like that idea?”
“You want me, a student, to hang out in the teacher’s parking lot, in front of a teacher’s car for everyone to see? How is that going to help him want to talk to me?”
If anything, that might drive him further away.
Seth puts his hand on Mara’s arm before turning to look at me. “I can see why you’d be wary of being there, especially near his car. However, I can also see how much the two of you really need to talk things through.”
Seth taps several keys on his keyboard and pulls up a map of the campus.
He taps his screen. “Here. This is the parking lot he parks in and it is right next to a picnic area. In fact, spot twenty-two is right in front of a table, so you can hang out there and pretend to study or read and then talk to him when he shows up.”
He grins like he came up with the greatest plan ever.
Even I have to admit that it is better than just standing by his car.
“Okay, that sounds pretty decent, and if another teacher confronts me, I’ll say that I like the area because it is away from the lawn but still outside.”
Mara nods her head and grins. “Exactly. It’s good to get your story straight first. Now go get your stubborn man.”
“Thanks for all your help, Seth.” I say before addressing Mara, “Sorry for interrupting your alone time. I’ll see you later tonight. I’ll tell you how it goes.”
I grab my things and slowly make my way across the lawn and walk behind the athletics building to the teacher’s parking lot.
“Spot number twenty-two.” I mumble to myself.
I finally get to his spot and see a black midsize SUV parked. It’s not the car I thought he would drive, and it’s not the one he had on the Cape, but looking through the windshield, I see puka shell necklaces hanging from the rear-view mirror.
Yep, this has to be his car.
Grabbing my notebook, I take a seat at the picnic table on the side that is facing the cars, so I will be able to see when Damien comes close.