Page 19 of The Book Signing
Just as she stretches her lithe body and floats on the surface of the water, a detail from our conversation comes to mind.
I clear my throat and plaster my cheeky grin on. “So, celibacy. How’s that going for you?”
Abigail stops floating and stands up, eyes wide and slightly opened mouth, giving me a perfect view of her pouty lips.
“Excuse me?”
Something about her expression causes me to make my way over to her. I push myself through the water and stop inches away. Abigail looks at me, her eyes running over my face with curiosity.
I lean in closer and whisper in her ear. “Do you miss being touched by a man?” My breath caresses her ear and I feel a shudder as I gently glide my knuckle down her arm.
Fuck, I feel the goose pimples on her.
Her reaction gets me growing hard, and I need to take a breath before my dick gets way too noticeable.
I look at Abigail again, directly into her green eyes, and I see heat in them. She bites her bottom lip, and I can sense her internal dilemma.
“Jaxon,” she whispers with a sigh, her warm breath hitting my cheek. “I’ve done that before, and it always messes with my head. I’m not that person anymore. I don’twantto be that woman again.”
Hmm, it looks as though she needs more convincing so she can do this with me. I will go insane if I don’t have my fill of this pink haired beauty. It might sound selfish and obnoxious, but my brain is going haywire with the desire I have for her.
However, I say nothing and just nod, knowing that being forceful is not the right way of getting Abigail to fall for my charms. Nor is it ever.
Suddenly, the sound of my cell phone steals me away from our moment.
I move away, distancing myself from her delicious body and swim over to the edge of the pool. Lifting myself up, I regrettably get out of the warm pool and walk over to the pool chair where I left it, sitting on top of my towel.
Unlocking it, I read the message.
Greg: Hey, buddy. Let’s catch up for a beer and chat about the next speech you’ll be making. I also heard there is another speaker here who is spewing shit that makes them direct competition to you. I have an idea about intervening and shedding more light on you. *Evil chuckle*
I re-read the last sentence of his message and quickly glance at Abigail. I grow tense at the harsh reminder from Greg. She is my competition.
It’s bullshit. Living with one person, undeniably in love with them forever, is a lie. It’s misleading.
But wait, isn’t the point of my book in giving people reassurance about being promiscuous? Not showering them with negativity and hate. Everyone deserves a chance too.
Woah, where did that nugget of conscience come from?
Maybe I need to give some space away from Abigail to regroup because she is fogging up my thoughts, messing with my head.
But first, I want to find out a piece of information from her, so I respond to Greg’s message.
Me: Hey, good idea. Meet me in thirty minutes at the bar. Beers on me.
I put my phone back onto the towel and turn around to find her doing freestyle strokes, her expression peaceful.
“Abigail, I have one question for you,” I call over to her, loud enough she can hear me talk through the splatters of water.
It works, because she stops midway and quirks an eyebrow at me, droplets falling down her face. I cock my head towards me, and she gracefully swims over. But I don’t expect my reaction when she somehow unfolds and stands up in the pool. I gulp at the sight of her nipples poking through her bikini top, water dripping down her shoulders, all the way to her chest and then below —No, snap out of it!
“Umm,” I stutter like a fool, but force myself to control my desire and say, “I was wondering. What made you,” I gesture my hand between us, “stop being promiscuous? Or better yet, how did you begin?”
Abigail’s eyes widen, but then they shrink, and she shrugs her shoulders.
She nods her head towards the couches that we left our belongings on and says, “You mean stop sleeping around? It’s okay, you can say it. Come on, let’s get out, and I’ll give you a little background.” Abigail then hoists herself out of the pool and walks over to the poolside cabana.
I follow her and sit beside her on the couch and notice her nerves as she crosses her legs and fiddles with her towel.