Page 20 of The Book Signing
“I was twenty-three, out with my friends one night at a bar in West Loop. We got tipsy, and I was recovering from a nasty breakup, so of course, my girlfriends dragged me out drinking and dancing. Dancing didn’t happen, but the drinking certainly did.” She bites out a laugh, clearly remembering the night. “I was at this new bar that opened up, waiting for a drink and as I was waiting, I overheard this guy chatting to a few people. He was telling them that monogamy wasn’t the right path for young people. He went on to say things like, ‘Those long-term relationships just mess with your head and heart. Whereas doing whatever you want with no strings attached puts you in the driver’s seat, in full control. You hold the reins. Not letting anyone get too close to hurt you.’ The guy, I must admit, sounded heart broken, though. I could hear the bitterness as he spoke, but it got me thinking. ‘Why can’t I do the same? I want to be in control for once. I don’t want to be told spiteful things and have my heart shattered beyond repair. Maybe this guy has all the answers.’” She rolls her eyes, then hastily readjusts her sunglasses before glancing over at me. “Pretty crazy of me to follow some bittermisogynist. At least that’s what I like to think of him. I blame that man for my ridiculous decisions, and that place that he led me to.” She doesn’t continue, just purses her lips, indicating the end of the story.
I swallow a gulp of air and exhale loudly, shaking my head, going along with her story.
Oh. Fuck.
I remember that night, and she nailed my mood perfectly. It was a month after Natasha and I broke up, so I was still bitter, but had also become fond of my alternative lifestyle. It covered up my wounds and heart break until I didn’t give a shit anymore. I had some buddies with me, and I started a rant about sleeping around. Back then, the outlook on my lifestyle was a tad less classy.
The fact that Abigail was there at the same time was remarkable, but it wasn’t the best time to end up in that bar. Instead of wallowing, she took my advice without knowing where it was coming from.
Abigail, who was young and naïve, listened to a man who was clearly hurt by his ex. Had my rant ended up hurting her in the end? Did it affect anyone else who followed my lead?
No, don’t think that way! It was her decision to listen. This is by no fault except hers. You didn’t tell her it was advice; she took it.
I give a curt nod, reassuring myself it’s not my fault she got messed up in trying to be flighty.
But I can’t help being curious. “Why’d you take the advice?” I blurt.
Abigail crosses her arms and says, “After heartbreak and a mixture of alcohol, you do stupid things. Oddly enough, I liked it. I thought I would hate myself and never do it again. But I did the whole promiscuous lifestyle for a few years, but towards the end, I got lonely and wanted more. Especially after some guy hinted interest in me after night one. Of course, gave them my all because I was naïve and ignorant. I sought affection and love until I realized they were just looking for more sex. By then, I wasn’t interested in just sex and no strings attached. I wanted the strings. Desperately. But every guy wanted the same thing from me, and the worst part? I gave it time and time again.”
I stay quiet, absorbing her explanation, realizing that I am exactly one of those guys she is describing. “And now?”
Abigail shrugs and says, “Now, I—”
“Ohmygosh, it’s Abigail again! Hi!” shouted the fan girl from earlier today, along with a huddle of girls with her. They wave at Abigail, then look at me and grin, waving at me too. At first, I give them my best smile, but the reminder of what she saidtoday makes me realize why she’s waving at me, too.
They huddle closer to us and say, “Aww, you guys look so freaking cute together. I just knew that you would end up with a guy finally, someone who will give you your all.” Then they sigh… in fucking unison.
Who does that, really? As if they’re in a fairy tale. Give me a break.
Abigail goes pink, well, not as bright as her hair, but blushes enough that they can notice. I decide to use this moment to my advantage.
“Hi ladies, what brings you here? Not enjoying Football like everyone else seems to be?” I say, as I wrap my arm around Abigail’s waist.
She stills, but then I can see her shoulders loosen, and she relaxes.
“Not interested in sports. We own a bookshop and run book clubs every month. Last month we read Abigail’s book, and well, we all fell in love with her,” one said, and another adds, “Her honesty and tenacity. Good on her to not listen to an idiot’s concept of a healthy sex life. Seriously good on you, Abigail. Promiscuity will just hurt you in the end, and you are proof. The heart wants love and acceptance. Not a fling and empty promises.” Hervoice turns cold, and I have a hunch she is just as bitter as Abigail was at the beginning.
Abigail clears her throat and chuckles, waving her hand nonchalantly. “That was a long time ago. Let’s not fuss about it. Hope you enjoy your stay,” Abigail smiles at the ladies, although I can see she is trying to get them to leave. She faces me and widens her eyes, then mouths, ‘help’.
I smirk, giving her a mischievous glint before she can say anything to deter me.
I’ll help you, alright.
I take her hand and stand up, dragging her with me. Then look over at the fan girls who are slowly retreating, still pleased with what they see.
“She’s a new woman,” I say, loud enough to gain their attention, and plant my lips against Abigail’s. Whilst I hear them swoon in the background, my focus lies on soft lips. The kiss is slow and passionate. Her hands go up to my chest and for a second there, I think she’ll shove me away, instead they just rest over my pecs, then drag up to my shoulders. All the while, she never stops kissing me back.
“Aww, they’re so cute together! Hashtag finally found love!” yells out a fan girl, and they all laugh together as they fade into the distance.
That comment is like a bucket of ice over our heads, making our moment gone as Abigail’s eyes widen and she pulls back.
But it’s not just her that freaks out. I pull back quickly too, as the word love makes me feel nauseous.
I need to get my ass out of here.
I open my mouth to excuse myself when I hear someone clearing their throat behind me.