Page 21 of The Book Signing
“Well, seems like you’ve certainly been enjoying your stay here. Shall I come back and meet you at the bar later, or will you be out-of-order then too?” Greg says with a smug expression on his face. He slowly shifts his eyes between Abigail and me.
Her eyes fall on mine and her voice waivers as she says, “I’ve got to go back to my room and get ready. Thanks?” I can see in her eyes she seems wary of what to say, and without another word, gets up and gathers her towel and phone, before disappearing out of the pool area.
“Wow, she’s got a great ass to match a great rack,” Greg says as he sits down on the couch beside me.
“Don’t worry about how she looks. She isn’t yours to watch.”
I don’t mean to snap. Usually, I’d agree and laugh it off. But his comment annoys me becauseI’ve been working hard to break down her barriers. Also, I sort of like her and don’t want his sleazy nose sniffing around her.
Greg pulls back and grins. “Woah, woah there. Feisty over the pink barbie, are you?”
I give him an eye roll and tug my sunglasses further onto my nose. “She’s… interesting.” I don’t know what else to say without raising suspicions about my unusual behavior with a woman.
“Uh, huh, if that’s what you say. Well, I had a strategy in mind, but I see you’re already across it…”
“What do you mean?” I ask, his comment confusing me.
He grins and says, “I thought you were so self-involved that I would have to do the research on competition myself, but it seems that you have met an interesting competitor.”
Then it hits me.
Greg knows who Abigail is.
“I wouldn’t say she’s my biggest competitor here. There are heaps of different writers at this festival. She’s just one of them.” Also, I have a big enough following to know that I can stand on my two legs and continue with sales. I don’t need to worry about anyone else here. Once this is over, I’m back in Chicago to work on the next book.
He laughs and shakes his head. “Bro, sex on legs is literally preaching to others to keep their dicks in their pants until they find the one.” He slaps me on the back and nods toward the bar. “Let’s get a beer first. Then maybe we can find some pussy to eat.”
“Shameless. You are filthy.” I tsk as I grab my towel and wrap it around my waist. At least I’m thankful I didn’t get a fucking boner when Abigail and I were kissing.
“Well, how can I not be? We’re made from the same flesh and blood. You are just as bad as me.”
I pull down the ray bans and look at him. “Nah buddy, you’re worse.”
Chapter Ten
“So, what do you know about her book?” I say as I take a sip of my beer. We’re now at a booth near the bar, a distance away from the large flat screen TV sitting above the bench top. I glance at the TV and see a crowd of blue and maroon fill up the screen. A bunch of guys nearby cheer and clank their beer bottles together, screaming along as if they were at the match themselves. A big match is happening at the moment, which might be another reason this place is swarming with people.
Then Greg’s voice tears me away from the screen.
“Well, her views on protecting your heart and settling down appear to be a wonderful thing to read. Same shit as all other romance books.” Greg rolls his eyes and chugs on his beer.
“I see. And you’re sure she’s the big bad wolf?”
I know she has opposing views, but I’m interested in her, not her book. We have our issues and past. Greg seems quite fixated on this, and I need to sort my head out before jumping on the hate wagon.
He looks at me with an incredulous expression. “What the fuck, man, of course. Picture this. Your readers who feel good about their lifestyle choices, and doing whatever the hell they want to, hear this woman ranting on about how it’s bad! That it hurts their,” he makes a bunny rabbit’s ear gesture as he says, “hearts.” Greg then taps the side of the bottle as he says in a mocking tone, “that it turns them into emotional ruin.”
I open my mouth to comment, but he stops me with his hand. “What happens when they decide, ‘ah crap, I’m a man-whore. I’m horrible. People will hate me if I don’t conform to stop sleeping with women or men because I want to… Yeah, that pretty lady is right. I’m going to read her book.’” He glares atme when I stay silent. “There goes a sale. What happens if during this festival, your beloved readers and sales decrease all because they overhear what this ‘Abigail’ is talking about?”
Shit. My jaw hardens as I absorb his words, realizing that she very well may be an author I need to monitor. The issue is that the pink-haired beauty I want to sink my cock inside of is on my mind more often than she should be.
That she contradicts all my beliefs and behavior. Not to forget that I’m also her fake boyfriend, according to her fan girls. For fuck’s sakes, someone needs to pull my head out of my ass.
I rub my temple and sigh deeply. “What do you propose we do?”
“After seeing you hooking up with her, I assumed you already had a plan. Use her as a distraction?”