Page 24 of Chaos
Jameson: The fact that you have to ask tells me all I need to know.
Temptress: Stop speaking in code ASSHOLE. If I could have gotten this elsewhere, I wouldn’t be bothering you, but apparently, you dried everyone else out or threatened them, so here I am.
Jameson: Fine. Come to my room. Floor 15 Room 25
Temptress: I am not coming to your room. Especially unarmed.
Jameson: Bring your knife. Or don’t. I don’t know what to tell you.
Temptress: Fine. I’ll be there in 20 minutes.
Well, this is an unexpected turn of events. I wonder which one of those assholes told her. The little Siren lied. She might have stayed away, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t speak to one, if notboth of them. Wait until I get my hands on her. I open up the group chat with the guys ready to blast their asses.
Jameson: So…which one of you fuckers, told the bitch to text me for Mary?
Spade: Did you give it to her?
Dario: It was me. She’s had a rough day and is ignoring us, snapping at students. She needs to chill out.
Jameson: No, I didn’t
Spade: Pussy
Dario: You’re such a dick. What’s the big deal? It’s just Mary.
Jameson: She’s coming to my room, so shut the fuck up and chill the fuck out. Why are you both so obsessed with her? She’s just a girl with a twat.
Spade: When you stop being a fucking pussy and sink into her tight pussy, you will understand the fascination.
Jameson: Pass. You both know why I cannot do that, and we are here on orders not to get sucked into her calling.
Dario: Get a taste of her.
Jameson: Fuck both of you. Spade, you almost got your head blown off the other night because of her.
Spade: Nonsense. I’m still here, aren’t I? We saved those girls. We need surveillance at the Pierces.
Jameson: Already handled.
Spade: There’s no proof, and you know it. So until you have evidence, get up in that. You need it because you’ve been a prick for weeks.
Jameson: I don’t want her. Get that through your thick skull.
Dario: I detect a lie.
Spade: All lies. But whatever helps you sleep at night.
There’s a soft knock at the door. I leave them on read and answer the door. Rubbing my hands together like a kid in a candy store. I’m about to have some fun with little Miss Jade Rivers.
“Stupid, Stupid Boy.”
“Everything you touch, you kill.”
“Ah, Let him have some fun with her.”
High Times With A Dickhole