Page 25 of Chaos
Walking up to this asshole’s door is the last thing I thought I’d be doing tonight, but I need to get high. It’s been a long week; too many drudged-up memories. Being in a weird place with Spade. The missing shipment. It’s all too much in my head, and I need an escape. I almost threw hands with a girl walking down the hallway because she accidentally stepped on my shoes. I need to fight. I need to schedule another fight night for tomorrow and go a few rounds in the ring, or I need to kill someone.
Knocking on this fucker’s door, hoping this will be an easy and fast transaction. I feel for my knuckle knife sitting in my back pocket because I do not trust him, especially after he cornered me in that empty classroom. The look in his eyes didn’t scare me. I saw something much more concerning–The doorswung open, and there he was in nothing but gray sweatpants. Not a tattoo in sight. Virgin skin.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this man’s Adonis belt is panty-melting. Jesus fucking Christ, Jade, get it together.
“You going to stand there drooling, or you coming in?” he smirks
Cue the motherfucking eye roll, people. I want to kill him every time he opens his fucking mouth.
“Move, Asshole.” He doesn’t, and I have to brush up against him to get past.Such a fucking dickhole.
“Well, can I get my shit and go back to my room?” sticking my hand out with some cash.
“Nope, tonight if you want to get high, you get high with me.” he sings.
“Not a chance, especially after the shit you pulled.” He grabs me suddenly, and I try to reach for my knuckle knife, but he’s much stronger than me.
“You lied, Temptress; you said you stayed away from my boys, and that was bullshit. I know for a fact they sent you to me. Considering I shut down all the pushing going on within these walls. So, because you lied, you will sit here and smoke with me as your punishment.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” I spit in his face. He immediately lets go. “Who the fuck do you think you are? Coming into my school trying to run shit like you’re someone special. This was a fucking mistake. I’m out.” I look at him with narrowed eyes.
He scoops up the spit on his face and licks it off his fingers. Grinning at me, “You taste so sweet, too bad you’re a fucking cunt.”
I grab the knife from my back pocket and click the blade to slide out, bringing it to his groin and pressing it into his skin. He pushes me away, laughing, shaking his head.
“I admire the fight in you Siren, but chill out. I’m not going to hurt you, today.” he chuckles.
“Well, don’t fucking grab me like that. Now give me what I need and I’ll leave you be.”
“No dice, just chill. “ he goes to his desk, grabbing a joint with a lighter from the drawer. He turns to me, walks to his bed, and sits down. He looks at me and then at the bed, signaling me to sit. Raising my eyebrow at himlike bitch, I don’t trust you.He raises his brow back at me. I walk over to the bed and sit, sighing because I really need to smoke; I need to take the edge off.
He lights the joint, rolling it around so it doesn’t canoe. He inhales deeply, holding it for a second and blowing it out. He repeats the notion and blows it in my face.Dickhead.He inhales again, but this time, he moves closer, placing his free hand on the back of my neck tightly and blowing closer in my face.I clearly didn’t understand the assignment and choked on the smoke in my face. Jameson chuckles at me.
“Open your mouth, Temptress,” taking a long inhale of the joint and caressing my cheek, drawing me in closer with my mouth open, waiting for his exhale to infiltrate mine. I inhale deeply, holding it for a second and blowing it back at him. He smirks.
“You’re so responsive, once you stop being a stubborn brat.” Inhaling again, but this time licking my bottom lip while exhaling in my mouth.
This shouldn’t be hot, but for fucks sake it is.I repeat the exchange. Squeezing my thighs together, feeling the moisture building between my legs. He moves closer, guiding me to lay back. He gets up and walks over to his nightstand to grab a remote. Shutting off the lights and turning on what looks like stars in the sky. It’s a whole vibe. Why do I suddenly feel so comfortable?It has to be the weed. It has to be. This man despises me. There is no way he wants me.
Jameson climbs into his bed beside me, staring at the fake stars. All you can hear in the room is our heavy breathing. I can feel his warm body next to me, which is eliciting goosebumps all over my body. He shifts, lighting the joint again and inhaling long, turning my face to him and automatically opening my mouth for him.Why is this so erotic? It shouldn’t be, but it is. I feel tingles up and down my arms; the room is dark and seductive, with the colors of the stars changing.
He exhales again into my mouth and kisses me. It’s gentle, slow, and tender. It’s not something Jameson possesses. He has always been rough with me. I fall into the kiss, latching on to his bottom lip, placing my hands on his chest and one leg straddling his hip.Jade, what the fuck are you doing. He puts a hand on my hip, grabbing tightly. I can feel his erection between my thighs. JesusChrist, are all these guys huge and thick? He’s the biggest and widest out of all of them. Fuck he would tear this pussy up.
I moan into his mouth, trying to get closer to him, but he keeps me at arm’s length. He pulls away from the kiss and searches my eyes for, I don’t know what, but he licks the entire side of my face.
“Your body is so responsive to me, You are a dirty little cunt, aren’t you?.” he rocks into me.I don’t know whether I’m pissed because he called me a cunt or completely turned on.
“Take your shirt off, Siren.”That’s a hard limit for me.
“No,” is all I say.
“Why? You spread your legs for my boys. But you won’t for me?”
This mother fucker.Grabbing my knife slowly, I straddle him to get him nice and comfortable before I take my knife to the artery on his neck, pressing hard enough to puncture the skin ever so slightly. I saw the fear flash before his eyes.That’s right bitch!
“Looks like I have the advantage this time, Jamie. Talk to me like that again, and I will cut this little artery of yours and watch you fucking bleed out,” I say in a warning. He sadistically grins at me, flips me over, and is now straddling me. I’m entirely fucking pinned, and he’s still smiling down at me like a fucking maniac. He retrieves my knife holding it to my pussy.