Page 67 of Don't Look Down
He pickedCasper,which is only the beginning of what he insists will be an epic movie marathon of Devon Sawa’s best movies. I’m looking forward to watchingIdle Hands. It’s been years since I’ve seen it.
I’m decidedly less than thrilled at the idea of watchingFinal Destination.
For now, we watch Carrigan and Dibs get chased out of the mansion by Casper’s uncles. We’re sitting in companionablesilence, laughing periodically. The movie is a touch ridiculous, but it’s still funny after all these years.
Kat is introducing herself to her class in the movie. The scene is one that causes slight secondhand embarrassment. All those awkward feelings from teenage years.
“Andrew was acting weird the other day.” Sky’s soft voice is an unexpected interruption. I don’t say anything, just turn my body toward him, giving him my full attention.
“He was making flirtatious comments and getting in my personal space. He’s marrying one of my best friends in about six months, but he crossed a line. I kept telling myself I was overreacting or reading too much into it.” He fiddles with his phone, then slides closer so he can hand it to me. “But I know I’m not wrong. Something was way off. Look at him.”
The weight of his eyes are heavy. He’s watching me as I inspect the photo. At first glance, Sky could be looking at a partner. He almost looks lovestruck. But it gives me major ick vibes.
The bleached blonde dude with black roots is clearly too close for Sky’s comfort. But if you bother to look deeper than his breathless expression, it’s easy to see the tightness around his mouth and eyes. His shoulders are pulled up close to his ears, clearly portraying his need to pull away.
He’s definitely not simpering at the douche next to him.
Andrew is happily oblivious. He’s got a huge grin on his dumbass face, which is pointing right at the camera. His arm is around Sky, fingers visibly squeezing the shoulder he’s cupping.
“He had his hand on my upper thigh at one point, but he removed it as fast as he grabbed me.”
He did what? My blood boils.This fucking guy.What made him think he could put his hands on Sky without permission? “Did you tell Cayden? He needs to know his fiancé is a piece of shit.” Most of the time, I’m perfectly content to be a pacifist. IfI’m off the ice, I don’t need to settle issues with my fists, but in this case, I’d make an exception.
This guy disrespected Sky and Cayden. His own fiancé. The guy he’s supposed to be pledging to love and cherish for the rest of his life. Sky’s hands grasp my balled-up fist. He carefully pries the fingers apart to thread his fingers through mine.
The feel of our skin sliding and twining together is an erotic tease, awakening my nerve endings in an unexpected way. A shiver tickles down my spine.I was today years old when I discovered my fingers are an erogenous zone.
His hand is a little smaller than mine, but fits perfectly.
My gaze is glued to our hands. Mine are fair, with a slight tan. Sky’s is this rich golden color. The contrast is striking. Gorgeous. The image of our naked bodies writhing together in an urgent rush to pleasure fills my head. I’d totally fuck him in front of a mirror. So I could watch us together. Blood surges to my groin and my cock throbs against my thigh.
It’s such a vivid picture, I can almost feel my body against his, taste the salt of his skin on my tongue, hear his cries of ecstasy in my ear.
Because, let’s be real. Our chemistry is strong. That’s an undeniable fact. We’d be fire in bed.
Fuck my life. I shouldn’t be thinking about fucking Sky. Especially not right after he shared about hisfriendoverstepping his boundaries.
“Don’t be mad on my account. I can handle it. And I will,” he says firmly. “I just wanted to tell you about it since you clearly picked up on it after seeing the photos. And now I’ve had time to mentally process everything, I needed to vent a little. I haven’t quite figured out how to talk to Cayden about what happened just yet. Or if I should just go straight to the source and talk to Andrew on my own. Just to clarify everything and explain how he made me feel. And let him know what he did is not okay.”
I take a deep breath and hold it in for a few seconds, forcing myself to let go of some of the anger. This shit isn’t okay, but I trust he can handle himself.
“Okay?” He jabs me in the ribs with his index finger.
“Shit, Sky. Yes, okay,” I tell him with a slight chuckle.
“Good.” He claps his hands. “Now’s the perfect time to tell you, he and Cayden will both be here for dinner on Wednesday. You’re coming over, right?” he asks me like it’s a given. Like I’d always planned to come over for dinner. Like we’ve discussed the plan many times before. We haven’t, but he wants me here, and I want to be here. I wouldn’t miss it.
Our eyes meet again. Heavy with the weight of words better left unsaid. “Yeah, I’ll be here.”
His smile lights up the room, and my heart thumps heavily in my chest. It’s quite possible I’ll do anything to make him smile. “Yay. I’m planning to invite Luc. Do you think he’d want to come? Addy will be here, too.”
“If it involves food and new friends, Leigh will be all over that.” He bounces with excitement. We’re so close, I bounce with him, which makes him laugh.
“I need you to play nice with Andrew. I’ll handle it in my own way. In my own timing.”
It goes against everything in me to agree to what he’s asking. He’ll have to accept a compromise. “The best I can do is promise I’ll behave as long as he does. If he does anything to make you uncomfortable in front of me, or if he oversteps in any way, all bets are off.” I refuse to let any of that shit slide. I don’t care if I’m technically the new guy here.
His head tips back in exasperation, “Ugh. I hate that that’s fair, but I accept your terms.”