Page 68 of Don't Look Down
I nod decisively. That’s settled. “Good, now lean back and finish the movie.” I punctuate my words with a tug on his hand.
“So. Bossy.” He makes himself comfortable next to me. This time, much closer than before, our hands still entwined. I don’t know what I’m doing here, but I still don't pull away. His hand feels like it belongs in mine.
AfterCasperfinishes, I convince him to put on one of his favorite movies. Of course it’sTop Gun. Maverick was a daredevil and so is Sky. There’s enough action to satisfy his antsy ass. He quotes most of the movie under his breath.
That’s another thing I’ll be adding to my growing list of Adorable Shit Sky Does. It’s doubled since I’ve been here.
He’s such a unique blend of quirky, nerdy, and smoking hot. I don’t quite know what to make of him. But I truly enjoy being around him. Absorbing his energy.
We take a lunch break a few hours later. Sky offered to cook again, but I insisted on ordering sandwiches and salads from a local deli. He has to go to work soon, and I highly doubt he rested enough before his shift. Twelve hours sounds draining. He doesn’t need to spend his energy cooking for me again.
After we eat, we resume our positions on the couch, side by side.Top Gun: Maverickis our next choice. I’m all for it. Tom Cruise is extra hot in these movies, so it’s no hardship.
We’re about an hour into the movie when Sky rests his head on my shoulder. His bodyweight a warm, gentle pressure against my side. His breathing steadily deepens with sleep.
Carefully, I turn my head to gaze down at him. His face is peaceful at rest. Not a hint of tension to be seen. He’s so beautiful. His full lips are slightly parted, chest rising and falling with his breaths.
There’s an alarm going off, but I can’t seem to make it stop. My snooze button isn’t cooperating. The warm body on my chest stirs, and I freeze.Oh shit.I’m still at Sky’s. The rhythm of his breathing and his comforting warmth must have lulled me tosleep. And at some point, we ended up tangled together on his couch.
He sits up, sliding off me onto the floor. He locates his phone and shuts off his alarm before looking up at me, “Oh, fuck, shit, sorry, Landon. I’m a total cuddle whore.” The chagrin on his face is visible. His voice is husky with sleep.
Of course he sounds sexy. Everything about this man gets to me.
“I see that.” My smile deflates some of his obvious tension. I reach down and help him stand up. “I’m gonna get going so you can get ready for work. Thanks for having me over.”
His head bobs up and down in a nod. Sleepiness is heavy on his face, but his smile is bright and just for me. “Of course. You’re welcome any time.Mi casa es su casaand all that.” He’s not the first person to ever utter those words, as I’m around a large volume of Spanish speakers in South Florida. But the Spanish flowing from Sky’s tongue melts me all over again. I want to taste the words as he speaks them.
Fuck, I need to get out of here.
“Thanks again. See you Wednesday.” I run out of there like my ass is on fire, barely remembering to grab my shoes.
Spoiler alert. We ended up meeting up for lunch on Monday afternoon. And Tuesday he invited me over to his house for lunch. I should have said no since I’m working tonight.
I didn’t.
It’s a fact I’m completely incapable of denying this man anything.
Which is exactly why I’m on my way to Landon’s house. After work, I went home for a shower and a quick nap. I can’t show up at Landon’s looking like dog shit. I’m used to little sleep, but the slight shift in my routine has me feeling more tired than usual.
Landon lives near the arena in a boujee looking gated community.
The guard comes up to my window. “Good afternoon, sir. I’m going to need your license. Name of the resident you’re visiting?”
“Sky Donovan for Landon Spencer,” I announce while handing over my ID.
A smile spreads across his mouth. “Ah, yes, Mr. Spencer added you to his approved list a few days ago.”A few days ago?We didn’t have anything planned, but I guess he decided to be proactive. It warms my heart. It shows me he wants me here.“Let me just log your vehicle and license plate for next time and you’re all squared away.”
He writes some notes on his clipboard, then rounds the back of my car.
A few moments later, I’m on my way. I navigate through a few turns before locating his house. It’s not quite a mansion, but it’s sizeable.
I was expecting something much more ostentatious. His driveway can fit at least six cars, and aside from mine, it’s empty.
The front door opens as I’m walking up to it. “Hey, I didn’t even punch a code in. Did they announce my arrival like royalty?”