Page 37 of The Hunted
My head swam and I leaned it on his shoulder. “Did you give me a sedative again?”
“No, I didn’t want to make you immune to them. Tired? Maybe you’re just exhausted. You’re still healing.”
That could be true. “Let’s just dance?” I tugged Danvers over. “We can all dance together.”
He wrapped us up in a hug and they both laughed, like it was the funniest thing ever when it was exactly what I hoped would happen. What a sweet moment—which was why it was absolutely no surprise when the pain in my head started.
“She’s coming back,” I warned them while I still could.
Danvers hummed in my ear. “Try to ignore it for a few more minutes.”
“Don’t follow me if I go back to that tent. Stay here with Cruise where it’s warm. I’ll be mad if you do. Okay?”
I noticed he didn’t agree.
Ididn’t know where I was or how I got there. I closed my eyes, trying to orient myself. I remembered dancing in Cruise’s basement. I opened my eyes again, blinking fast at the moisture on my eyelashes. Cruise’s basement seemed awfully far away from barefoot by the side of a highway without a coat in the rain.
The sound of it splattering on my skin didn’t make it feel any warmer.
Well… this fucking sucks.
Someone honked at me as they whizzed by, their headlights a burst of starshine in the twinkling wet night. I resisted the urge to look like a bigger jackass by waving at them. In my black shorts and white shirt, I had to look completely out of place. Oh and completely visible through the soaked white shirt, if anyone wanted a good look at my boobs. I glanced down at my super evident areola—wow. This is so not fun.
I’m having alotof fun, finally.
I would bet she was. I wondered if she intentionally removed the bra before she replaced the shirt, because it almost made me look more naked somehow. Another person honked.This is just awful.I refused to cross my arms to try to pretend to covermyself as I started walking in the direction of a sign that said Grand Street. I chose not to think too hard about how unsafe it was to be alongside the highway, since I didn’t know how I got there nor what city might have a Grand Street. None of it was good. I could literally be anywhere.
My feet were bare, so I had to watch where I put them for every step, too.Oh, what the hell.
Despite my discomfort, I couldn’t help but wonder about the guys. Were they okay?
No, I killed them.
I didn’t believe her, mostly because she would’ve been far too triumphant if she had. Likely, she’d even play back their deaths, just to make sure I saw every second of their pain. No, despite the fact there were more of them than us, and the worst she would’ve been able to do would be to injure them. I would’ve been locked in a room, strapped to a bed before they could be really hurt. She could hurt me, but not them.
A pain stabbed through my chest, and I realized that although her thoughts might be accurate, it was really fucking mean to point out the absolute desolation of my situation.
Is it? Or am I telling you the truth and you just don’t like it?
I was saved from having to come up with an answer for her when a car pulled up next to me. “Hey, honey, want a ride?”
I leaned close, sticking my head through the window. He was older than me by quite a bit, and he wore a trucker hat. He’d rolled his sleeves up past his elbows, and the red of that flannel shirt matched his cheeks on his long face. If I had to guess, I’d put him in his fifties, which made the visibly hardening cock in his khaki pants extra disgusting. Clearly he wasn’t interested in offering fatherly rescue, and instead he hoped to pick me up so he could take advantage of someone clearly in trouble alongside the road.
I wanted to tell him to fuck off.
But the demon decided what words would come out of my mouth. “Sure,” she said, curling my lips into a smile.
I climbed in next to him, happy briefly for the heat in his car, at least.
I drove his car when she next let me see out of my eyes. I looked around, swerving for a second before I managed to situate myself in the lane.Oh shit.I…I had very little experience driving.What happened to the man with pink cheeks?I glanced down to see if my white tee shirt was still wet and—I looked away quickly. Being covered in blood meant nothing good had happened to him.
My demon remained strangely quiet.Did I kill him?
Sirens sounded behind me, red and blue lights flashing in my rearview mirror like a strobe.Oh no. Just what kind of mess had she made for me? What was going to happen?