Page 38 of The Hunted
I could hear her laughing, the sound filling my head until the sirens vanished.Maybe this will teach you to leave demons where they are? You’re not special. I can destroy you.
I might have been bornin a prison, but I didn’t have a clue how long it took to make it to my current cell. I looked around, considering the space carefully. I wore a cotton orange jumpsuit, and bars caged off the room where I sat. I was alone, which was probably weird for prisoners. I stood and grabbed the bars.
How long had I been here?
Days? Weeks? Months? Years?
I leaned against the bars and listened to the nothingness around me, trying to gauge if it felt later or if only a little time had passed. The place was utterly silent. In the prison with Cruise and Ryker, it had been loud. Why weren’t there anysounds? I looked around, trying to see anything to give me a clue. I had a bed, a sink, and a toilet, and that was it.
Was she going to tell me what was going on? Silence met my query. She didn’t want to talk. But she was there. I could still feel her.Okay.My demon didn’t want me to be able to mess with the demons. Did she make it so I would be kept in solitary confinement for the rest of my life, so I couldn’t free them?
Terror had my hands clenching on the bars and a strangled noise rising in my throat. I didn’t want to go to jail. I really didn’t want to be locked away. It wasn’t fair. I never even got to live my life.
“Hello,” I called out, and my voice echoed around the room. “Hello.” I called again, ignoring how much higher and panicked it sounded.
No one answered me, and I sank to the floor, shaking violently.
A voice echoed through the room. “Prisoner, you will not shout. You will remain silent.”
I would? “I…I’m not sure where I am or what has happened.” Maybe I could make them understand. I couldn’t be the first possessed person they locked up. “Why do I have to stay quiet?”
“You will remain silently in solitary until we’ve determined if you really are possessed.”
“I’m not!” I screamed—or she did? “I’m not! I’m not.”
Oh, I guess I understood. Anyone could claim possession to get out of their imprisonment. Kill your spouse?Sorry, I’m possessed. They needed proof. My job, when I met Cruise—literally telling them whether or not prisoners were possessed. My legs went weak and wobbly.
So someone would do that with me.
I sank to the floor, my legs no longer able to support me. What would happen to me? They told me to shut up, and I was a rule follower. A big one.
I’d just be quiet.
It proved harder and harder as the days passed. Through a window, I counted sunrises, and a guard brought food and a warm washcloth for me to clean myself. Otherwise, I sat in the cell. I wanted to throw myself out the tiny window. Instead, I sat in the cell.
My demon had never shut up for so long before, but as if to amplify my torment, she remained silent. Nothing, not a peep.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. “I can’t control the exorcism. Now that I’ve done it, I have to do it.”
That’s not going to work for me.
At last! She said something. I pressed my advantage. “You know, if you left me alone, I never would’ve been a problem for you. No one would have known about my angel blood. I could have lived and died without ever knowing. I never would’ve had anything to do with your kind, but you decided to torture a member of my kind just because you could. Now, that sure did bite you in the ass, didn’t it? You’re stuck with what I can do now, so ultimately, this is your fault.”
I slapped myself across the face, and the pain rang through my ear and jaw. Okay. Maybe I could’ve worded that differently.
On the fifth day of ultimate solitude, the door opened and closed. Cruise Winters and Danvers Kearny entered the room, both of them looking remarkably wonderful.
“What are you doing here?” she screamed with my voice, her rage and fury making it an attack of sound.
Cruise looked me up and down, icy coldness keeping his inspection both distant and remarkably polite. “Ms. Ackers, my name is Cruise Winters. I’m an Assistant District Attorney with the state’s office. I understand you claimed you weren’t possessed when you were arrested. It is my job to verify the actual validity of your state of possession.” He nodded toward Danvers. “Do it.”
I pointed at him, my finger shaking like a leaf in the wind. I didn’t have any control, my breath coming out of me in gasps. “He’s not possessed! He can’t possibly tell whether or not I’m possessed. This is fraud! They’re frauds. I’m not! I’m not.” She threw me against the bars, making me lick the bars as I stared them down. Cruise winced but Danvers remained steady.
“Everyone knows I’m possessed. I’m the most famous possessed person out there, in fact.” Danvers smiled at me. “And she is carrying a demon.”
Cruise nodded. Obviously, he knew that, but he pretended otherwise. “Ms. Ackers, under the newly formed Demon Acts, you are going to be released shortly. If you need help with your demon, resources will be provided to you.”
With that, my two friends exited, leaving me alone in my cell. I shook the bars impotently, shrieking. She was furious, ranting in my head. Latin? I wasn’t sure what language she used. It could’ve been Greek, but I wasn’t educated enough to begin to guess. It wasn’t a language I understood.