Page 23 of From the Darkness
“You should be able to get out of here later on today.” Dr. Bays states.
I smile at him and wait for him to finish the long speech he is giving. I can’t seem to focus on anything he is saying. I can’t focus on anyone who speaks to me. I am so far in my own head, and it’s like I am drowning in the reel of words being tossed around.
“I’m sorry did you ask me a question?” I mumble to the doctor. He smiles at me and then hands me a pamphlet. “Amelia, you may seriously want to think about looking into counseling. I’ve seen the state of both sides of the coin. Those that seek out help and don’t do it alone thrive in the future and can stand up to their attackers. Those that don’t internalize and become shadows of themselves. Don’t let what two moronic men did to you keep you from living the life you are meant to live.” He states and then taps my leg and leaves the room.
“I don’t need other people knowing what they did to me.” I mumble to the window.
I have to figure out how to go back to work, how to continue on with my life. This has to be put behind me. There is no way around it. I can’t have anyone else knowing how they tied me up, how they gagged me and how they stuffed me full. The most embarrassing part is my body reacted to the brutality of it. I had an orgasm and moaned, so doesn’t that make me at fault. I don’t know what the hell my traitorous body was thinking.
“Knock, knock,” Steven’s voice booms into the room.
I look over at him, trying to fight the storm that is fighting in my brain. I can’t break. I have to let them think I am fine.
“Hey beautiful girl, how are you?” Lucas whispers.
That’s the last straw. That’s the straw that drives me over the edge and I lose it on the two men that have held my heart since I met them.
“Beautiful,” I scoff and then continue “You see, beautiful, I see a ball gag in my mouth, you see strength I see a broken little girl that has no clue how to go on with her life. You see me sitting up in bed and healing. I see bruises and handprints, broken bones and a bladder infection. You want to know what I want? I fucking want people to leave me alone, and I want people to look at me like they see me, not the chick that got raped at work. I want people to talk to me like normal, I want people to joke around with me, and I want people to make rude comments about my ass. Do you know what I get? Talk to a fucking counselor, it will be alright, it is not your fault. You will heal. I will fucking heal, I will fucking not tell a soul what they did to me, because I came and fucking hard. Even though I had tears in my eyes, I orgasm so hard. It was like my body was telling me to just take it and go with it. Leave me alone, go with that sweet cherry nurse, someone who didn’t ask for a sexualassault,” I finish yelling out the remainder of my statement.
“She finally breaks,” Drills says.
When I look over at him to give him another piece of my mind, I see the nurse standing there with her mouth hanging open.
“As much as I think that these two gentlemen are hot, their boy bits aren’t something I am attracted to either. Me and my wife have been happily married for five years.” She sweetly states and smiles at me.
“Please excuse our girlfriend. She finally broke and now it’s time to bring her back by any means necessary,” Lucas states.
She looks between the three of us and finally states, “Who the hell am I to judge? It’s your life live it to its fullest. I will tell you this: don’t let the bigoted arseholes fill your head with what is right and what is wrong.”
Hi baby, the doctor told us that you can go home today. We brought our truck and will be taking you back to our house. Your parents, your sister and her kids will meet us there, and if need be, they will all be put up on the compound until we deem it safe. Your protection is our top priority,” Steven states, and gently places a kiss on my forehead.
I don’t have anything left to say. What the hell can I say? They basically just told me what was happening, leaving no room for arguments.
I turn back to my window and the reel starts again, over and over the names they called me, the things they did to me, my body’s reaction. It just won’t stop.
Chapter Nineteen
She may have hung her head and just accepted what we were saying, but that girl is full of piss and vinegar. She will fight and argue at every turn.
I can’t wait to see what she comes up with.
“I don’t know why you guys insist on taking me to your hangout. I’d be happier in my own home, in my own bed. I just want to close myself off in my own home, away from the hatred of the world, and just protect myself.” She finished in a whisper.
“First off, it’s our clubhouse babe, not a fucking hangout,” I growl and make a grab for her hand.
“You are ours. We are here to protect you from the world and ease you from your mind, sweetheart. You are not in this alone,” Drills says. “Stay there I am coming to help you out.” I tell her and jump out of the truck.
“Dude, we didn’t think this through. Sweet cheeks is fucking here,” Steven growls and points to the pink car sitting in the Presidents spot. It looks like she came speeding into the parking lot cause the bike that was on the other side of Eyes has been knocked over, which caused a domino effect with the other three that were behind it.
“Oh, shit, those are Carpet, Gears and Net’s bikes man,” I shockingly say.
Just as we walk to open the door for Amelia, her family comes storming out of the door.