Page 24 of From the Darkness
“You two are useless pieces of shit, you know that,” her dad growls. “I was all on board with you protecting my baby and helping us, but that, that, that vile woman in there made sure we were well aware that you are off the market. Fuck, I can’t believe that I listen to your fucking sob story,” he shouts.
“What are you talking about?” Steven asks.
“It doesn’t matter Drills; I’m taking my family, and we are getting away from here. We are going to a place that only my family know about. Thank you for everything but you and you,” he points to me, “aren’t who I thought you were.” Mr. Mackenzie says and then we watch as he takes Fire in his arms and guides her to his truck.
I watch as they slowly drive off the lot.I watch my future, my girl and my reason for living being taken away from my safety.
“Luc,” Drills starts.
“Don’t,” I state and take off my cut, handing it to him.
“When you pull your fucking head out of your ass and see what I have been telling you all a fucking long, you know where to find me. Only I won’t be there because my fucking life just drove off the lot because a stupid fucking cunt thinks she runs this piece of shit because we had to make a stupid, and I truly mean it was a stupid way to track her. Millions of people do it daily, yet we have to pretend to feel something for someone that makes me sick to my stomach,” I finish with a shake of my head and jump on my bike speeding out of the parking lot with hopes of catching up with the Mackenzie’s.
Chapter Twenty
“What the hell just happened, Daddy?” I question the weirdness of my family.
“Right now, sweetheart, the only thing you need to focus on is healing. We are taking you to our cottage and as a family we will help you,” Rosey whispers.
“I can’t believe those two biker assholes pulled the wool over my eyes,” my dad says, more to my mom, but the car is not a place to voice your emotions, especially when I have no fucking clue what is going on.
“Watch your language, Dad. Although I agree with you, the kids are very impressionable,” Rosey says.
“What is going on, guys? You all are talking like I am not here. I am right here, broken, bruised, battered and suffering from some sort of mental warfare in my head,” I growl and then look at the kids in the back seat. They are sound asleep.
Just as my mom is about to say something, the sound of a motorcycle comes beside us. It’s Lucas; he isn’t wearing a helmet. His eyes meet mine, then he looks at my dad and motions for him to pull over.
My dad slows the vehicle down and indicates to the side of the road. Once the vehicle is stopped, my dad shuts it off and jumps out of the car.
Eagle has his hands up and is nodding his head as my dad is up in his face. He is jabbing his finger into Lucas’ chest.
“He isn’t wearing his leather cut,” I whisper.
“What?” Rosey asks.
As I open my mouth to tell her Lucas isn’t wearing his leather vest, the door open, and a hand reaches in to grab for me.
“Please baby, come on my bike. We will follow your parents to the cottage, but I need you with me,” he pleads.
I don’t question what went on, or what is happening, but the look in Lucas’ eyes is gut-wrenching. This man with muscles that make his presence known by his sheer size is pleading with me.
“Please Amelia, I just need to feel your body close to mine,” he whispers.
I raised my hand to his and jump from the car.
“Sir, I promise I will follow you,” Eagle states to my dad and guides me to his bike.
Turning me before we both climb on, he cups my face and stares into my eyes before stating, “You are going to hear things that you will not like. Steven and I are still in this as a team, but right now, there are issues going on with the club. I refused to go along with their plan, but did it to back up my boy. I just need to be with you to protect you. I didn’t protect you before and you almost left me before I had you.”
I smile at him and lift up on my toes to place a gentle kiss on his chin and smile. I can’t say that he needs to let it go, because I can’t let it go and yes, for a brief second, I blamed them. I blamed them for being so off guard. I blamed them for not paying attention, but that was for a brief moment of time, then I blamed the members of my team.
“Together?” I whisper.
He smiles at me and turns to mount his ride, offering me his hand to pull me up behind him.
I know whatever that is going to be told to me is going to drive me further into my head, but just the fact that Lucas followed me shows me that he is one hundred percent into me, but can I get over the pain from what those guys did to me. At this point, I am not sure what will happen, but I know that I need to get myself back.