Page 27 of From the Darkness
“Will you guys lie with me?” I ask both men. I don’t care at this moment in time that we have some stuff to discuss. I just need to be comforted and made to feel safe.
“If that is what you want baby girl, then we will all snuggle in and fall asleep,” Drills whispers as he stands up and takes off his cut, then his shirt, and his boots leaving his jeans on and climbs in on one side.
“Yeah baby, we will make sure you get lots of sleep tonight. Tomorrow, we have stuff to talk about.” Eagle says and does the same routine that Drills just did, finally snuggling into my back.
I grab for Eagle’s hand and lace my fingers between his as I bring them around my body. Then I lay my head on Drills chest and listen as his irregular heartbeat lulls me back into a peaceful, dreamless state.
Chapter Twenty-Three
“You know she is going to flip her lid when she finds out about our situation. I warned you that this could potentially backfire on use, but I never thought it would be with the girl that sets my soul ablaze,” I growl quietly a Drills.
We are standing in the window waiting for Amelia to wake up from her sleep. He has told me what Sweet-cheeks tried at the club, and I have informed him of everything that she told the Mackenzie’s.
“I won’t do this anymore Drills. We need to come up with something that takes us out of the equation. I don’t know, set her up to screw another man and claim she cheated. I just don’t want Amelia in her target range,” I state and bring my thumb and finger to the bridge of my nose. The stress of this situation is weighing on me and slowly driving my brain into a jack hammering migraine.
“Eagle, I swear on my life we will come up with something before we all head back. I can’t leave you guys,” he says and holds out his hand with my cut in it.
“I don’t,” I start to say, but he cuts me off.
“Stop, I can’t have this without you. You are my left nut, dude. I need you in the chair besides, just like I need you in that bed with her. You are my brother, you are my friend, and you are the person I look to in my times of trouble. I need you to put your cut back on. I need you to support me in this, just like I need her and the boys in the club. You have all become my family.
“Please, just put it back on,” he pleads.
This is a different side of Steve. This is a side of him that no one sees but those that he trusts the most. It’s an honor to have his trust, and it’s a privilege that you have to take and hold on to.
I take the leather from his outstretched hand and place it over my shoulders and demand, “This gets fixed today, and from this day forward, the only woman that is between us is lying in that bed. The muffler suckers were great when a need had aroused, but from now on, she will be the only one. At least for me.”
“For me as well. I need to tell you, though; Sweet cheeks is stepping up her game. I have a feeling that she is going to get more desperate and try something that may just put Fire in her sights,” he states.
“Who are you two talking about, and why is it so dark in here?” comes the melodic voice of Amelia. She slowly moves to the curtain to open them fully.
“Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep after the nightmare?” Drills asks and places a gentle kiss on her lips while wrapping his arms around her body.
“That was the scariest dream I have ever had. It was the night of the rape, but instead of the two strangers, it was you and Eagle. Then, all of a sudden, you guys changed into the Devil and the Grim Reaper. I don’t know how I am going to continue getting rest if all these dreams keep flooding my mind,” she whispers.
I wrap my arms around her body like Drills and place and gentle kiss on her neck before saying, “We deal with them, with everything that comes along as a team. We are Team Fire, and we fight for this love that we have. We build on the relationship that we started, and we make sure that you, my love,are aware at how much we love you.”
“Is it not too soon for us to be in love? I mean, come on, I’ve heard of instant love, but this is insane,” she says with a smirk on her face.
“Love is not something that is measured in length, it is not something that you can control. When love finds you, you will crave the very person or people that it has set out for you. Love doesn’t know sex, race, and religion or how many, it just knows what you the person needs,” Mrs. Mackenzie states as she walks in the door and sets a tray with mugs and coffee on it.
“I have coffee set for you guys. If you want to eat, you all are going to have to march your asses down the stairs to eat. Sit and enjoy your coffee, talk about what you two all need to tell her about. Her father and I support you guys, but I won’t have her in the dark any longer. You need to nut up or shut up,” she finishes and marches out the door.
“Let’s go get some coffee and talk. We have things we need to say to you. We have stuff that we want to discuss, and we have a life to start living,” I say.
She smiles at the both of us and walks towards the coffee.
Drills and I hang back and watch the sway of her hips and the ass that is set in a pair of men’s boxers that read ‘Back door is a trap’. We smile at each other and head for the table to start our discussion and to get our life on track.
Life is going to be good, and with Fire between us, it will be magnificent.
Chapter Twenty-Four
That first sip of coffee was heavenly, my body was sore from being beating and rape. The worst part is my mind is playing tricks on me. I know that Lucas and Steven would never force themselves on me, and that the dream was just a manifest of all the emotions mixed into one gigantic fucked up dream.