Page 28 of From the Darkness
“Good morning, sweetheart. How are you feeling after the rough night you had?” Eagle asks.
I can only give a semi smile and a brief nod. I can’t tell them about my dream. I can’t tell them about the dream. I just can’t.
“Baby, we need to have a sit down and serious talk about our future. We need to tell you a few things, and we need to get our path set so that we can move forward. That includes helping you and that beautiful brain of yours to cope with everything that has happened to you. You are not alone, we are always here,” Steven says leaning in and placing a gentle kiss on my lips.
“I feel like I am a walking shadow, the stuff those guys did to me made me lose the pride I once had, it lowered my self-confidence and left me feeling like Peter Pan's lost shadow,” I whisper as tears spring to my eyes, and I look away.
“Don’t let it, Fire. Don’t let the demons run loose in your brain. Let me and Lucas fight your demons and bring the fire back into your eyes,” Drills whispers.
How did I get so lucky to find not one but two men that will have my back? I mean, I never planned on finding the white picket fence kind of love. I don’t think I have. I have found the dirty leather, bike riding, and cursing type of undying love. The one that other people look at like you are wrong, but you know that fate put them in your life for a reason, and now that they are in your life, they have taken a deep-seated root in your heart.
“Okay Amelia, we have a few things to discuss. Please keep in mind that although we are both in this situation, it was my original suggestion, so don’t hold Eagle too much,” he says and takes a deep breath, then continues. “When we first saw you with Grandma May, it was like heaven had finally decided that our own angel need to be placed in our life. When you set every one of my brothers in their places before peeling out, it was like Satan saying you’re going to have to fight. Eagle and I couldn’t get you off our minds, even when we were screwing a muffler bunny.”
“Can I ask what the hell a muffler bunny is, because I am totally picturing a nice pink bunny fucking your tailpipe?” I say and then giggle as Eagle and Drills burst out laughing.
“That’s quite the visual. A muffler bunny is what we call the girls that hang around the clubhouse. They will act out every demeaning thing you demand of them strictly in hopes that one of the brothers will fall for them. They are loose as fuck though,” Drills says, and I shudder and gag.
“Anyway, one of those muffler bunnies has decided that she has a vendetta against the club, so in order for the club and its family members to stay safe we had to decide on a person to get close to her so that we could place a tracking device on her, but that person had to pretend like they were making her their old lady, at first,” Steven says and then it dawns on me.
“Hold the fuck on, are you telling me that one of your brothers has to pretend to be in a fake fucking relationship with the whore hound, so the club is protected?” I ask dumbfound at what they just said.
“Yes, that is exactly what I said, only it’s not one of my brothers, it’s Eagle and I that stepped up. Wait it was me that stepped up because I would have had to go in the one punch and I was trying to protect you,” he quickly states and the panic flares in his eyes.
“Hold on, let me clarify something that Drills isn’t telling you. We agreed that the bitch had to be tracked, but we had just found you, so instead of faking the old lady bullshit, all we had to do was get her drunk and pretend we were going to have sex with her. We didn’t touch her, though. I promise we got her drunk and then had someone inject a tiny tracker into the base of her neck,” Eagle quickly gets out.
“What’s the one punch rule?” I ask. I mean, it has to be something drastic, right?
“When a brother gets caught not paying attention in Temple, the entire club gets to punch them as hard as they want and anywhere they want,” Eagle states, and you can see the anger being held at bay.
“Okay, let me get this straight. Instead of getting a beating like a fucking man, you decided to play some game with a chick who is probably a looser, than the change in your pocket to protect your club?” I ask.
“Well, yes, the club comes first, always,” Steven states.
“I see.” Is all I can say before I place my coffee mug down and head for the door.
“Wait no, that’s not what I…” Drills steps closer.
I raise my hand to silence him, then state, “Don’t leave we have more to discuss however right here in this moment, if I don’t leave, I will end up making you and him a eunuch. Please, just give me an hour to collect my thoughts. Maybe in that hour you can figure out how stupid this whole thing sounds. I left high school and assholes that play games years ago. Grow a fucking set Drills. I’d have rather seen you beaten and bloodied for daydreaming then have to potential share you with some twat that thinks I am dirt, trust me she made my family feel like they were second class,” I walk out of the room and into the kitchen.
How in blue hell am I going to deal with two boneheaded men that tried to take the easy road instead of the hard road. I can’t say I blame them, but it’s ludicrous to think they didn’t tell me what the hell was going on.
Then again, did they really have the chance before my life got sent to hell compliments of two lowlife scumbags.
I leave the room and head for the kitchen, thinking maybe if I can get my mind off the total fuck of this stupid situation that the chocolate and coffee would be the best.
As I go to enter the kitchen, I see my mom and dad in an embrace. I want that kind of love, the kind that no matter what is going on around them, their love always shines through.
I turn and head for the back door. Maybe sitting out amongst the trees will give me a clear head to focus on the utter stupidity some men have.
What would make you think it was ok to start a relationship with someone while you have to pretend that be with another?
“What did they do? Why was that veil woman saying all those things.?” my mom says as she sits down beside me and hands me a bag of peanut butter M&M’s.
I laugh and shake my head as I stuff a handful of the mini bombs of chocolate and peanut butter goodness before I swallow and say, “Oh, you are going to love their fucked-up thought process of thinking. I just can’t explain it right now, because truthfully, I can’t wrap my head around it.”
“Okay sweetheart, then you listen to me. Every person on this planet has a story. They have a past, and they have a future. If your future is with those two men in there, then no matter what they do, you work to get past it. You are the holder of your own destiny. What happens in your future starts right now in the present, but if they are your future, you make them pay for thinking with their little brains and not the one that was put in the head on their shoulders,” my mom finishes and heads inside.
She is absolutely right. If I want Lucas and Steven to be my future, they are going to have to make it up to me. They are going to have to grovel at my feet and work on making me believe that I am all that they want.