Page 34 of From the Darkness
That vow may be difficult to deal with in the next coming months when the shit literally hits the proverbial fan, and it starts as soon as we walk out of the hospital, ready to take Amelia home to a safe place and find that our bikes have been set ablaze.
Chapter Thirty-One
“What in the actual fuck happened?” I yell as I watch my precious bike burning. The pops of the tires as the heat makes them explode, the metal starting to bend as the flames and heat take my bike into a fiery death.
“I warned you, bitch! I told you that I would make them and your family suffer. I started with you, and I will end with everyone in your life being taken away from you. I will make sure that the Bleeding Miners MC and all their loved ones see you as the reason for all the destruction,” Sweet cheeks yells at Amelia and I watch as life springs into her eyes as she takes off in a sprint towards the other female.
“Oh shit,” Lucas shouts before he takes off.
I am standing watching to make sure that nothing or no one comes from behind when I see Fire stop still, her body is straight as a board, and I watch as she starts to teeter and just before her head can hit the floor Eagle catches her and yells.
“Drills, wake the fuck up and get the fuck over here,” Lucas yells, and my body finally jerks into gear.
“I see you remember who fucked you in the fire station.
Meet my stepbrothers,” Sweet cheeks cackles.
“Sweet’s pussy is the best I’ve ever fucked. Maybe it’s time we take her off your hands,” the biggest brother states and grabs his crotch.
“Drills, we will get those fuck heads later. Dude, her lips are turning blue help me,” Lucas growls.
That snaps my attention from the two men and Sweet cheeks to Lucas and Amelia lying on the ground. I bend down and scoop her up into my arms and yell over my shoulder for Eagle to get the fire department here. We can deal with the rest after she gets checked out, and I run into the emergency room.
“HER LIPS ARE TURNING BLUE!” I yell and all the nurses rush to me. As they are removing her from my arms, I gently place a kiss on her head and tell her to come back.
I move to the waiting and drop down on to a chair, the force of me plunking down causes the chair to groan, but I just don’t care if it falls, why is fate being so unbelievably cold with her, or does Doreen have a vendetta so large that she is willing to risk prison time to kill anyone that is close to me.
“How is she?” Lucas puffs out as he hunches over to catch his breath.
“I don’t know, I … I need to walk man. I feel like my heart is lying on a table in the back while my breath is being sucked out of me. Why? WHY?” I finish by shouting.
“Hey man, chill. Go out and wait for the fire department to finish putting out the flames, also the police want to talk with you. I’ll wait here.” He states and sits beside me.
I don’t say anything, but I sit there for an extra few minutes before I stand up and walk out. My head is hung low, and my mind is going into overdrive. I have to figure out how to stop the wrath that Sweet cheeks has started, and make sure that my family is protected.
“Did you moronic buffoons have to go and mention how tight she was? Fuck, Mom must have dropped your both on your heads when you were younger. You know why we are doing this, right? You know why we have to try to take down the Bleeding Miners MC and everyone involved with it right?” I growl at my two stupid stepbrothers.
“Yeah, because you want their cocks in you. Ours aren’t good enough anymore,” Clint states and actually pouts.
“No, you fuckwit try again, or how about you Kent do you know why we have BMMC in our sites?” I say.
Why did I have to include these two imbeciles? Oh, I know because my step daddy begged me too, no he didn’t beg me to he made me beg for release and I agreed to everything that he demanded I do.
“How the hell should I know? You lead us around by the smell of your cunt. Yes, I know you have been doing us and Dad. All three of us have already discussed plugging all your holes. Why we are doing this is beyond my knowledge, other than the fact that you think you deserve whatever it is that you are striving for. You may think that Clint is a dolt, but I am educated. So, get your ass home and blindfolded on the bed, because truly I am about five minutes away from storming into the hospital and having another go at the chick in there,” Kent growls and my eyes bug out of my head before I turn on my heels and walk back to my car.
They don’t get it. I have been told since my mom remarried that my dad died because the Bleeding Miners motorcycle club killed him. My entire goal is to bring down anyone and everyone related to that damn club. They took him away from me and now I am nothing but a hole to fill for my stepdad and brothers.
“They will all pay!” I whisper as I drive away.
Chapter Thirty-Two
It’s so hard to breathe, they are here.