Page 35 of From the Darkness
They have come for me.
They are going to make me take them again. I don’t know if I will survive this next time. I can barely survive seeing them. I’ll die if I have to touch them again.
What the heck am I back in the hospital again? Is Rosey, okay?
I am starting to panic. I can’t open my eyes; they feel too heavy.
“Ms. Mackenzie relax, please, we are just checking you over.” I hear from a deep masculine voice.
I remember them stepping out from behind that evil woman and my entire body freezing. My breathing sped up and everything went black.
“Wake up, open your eyes Auntie Mia,” I hear the quiet mouse voice of my niece and struggle to open my eyes.
“Baby, open your eyes, let me see you gorgeous,” Lucas says, and I try again, getting them open a sliver, then groaning because the light is on in the room.
“Shit, shut the damn light off,” he growls.
I try again and open my eyes a sliver before I whisper, “Why, when someone comes in to the hospital unconscious, to you always have the lights blazing when you want them to wake up.”
Everyone quietly chuckles, and the doctor is the first to speak. “I apologize. I think your assessment may be accurate. Okay, you didn’t hit anything when you fell because the gentleman caught you. You were holding your breath. It's why your lips turned blue. Everything has checked out, so you are free to head home.Be careful and try to stay with someone who can watch out for you.”
Then he turned and walked out of the room, leaving me to sit up and get ready to go home, but what home am I going to go to?
“You’re going home with Stephen and I, and your parents are coming until we can get this fucked up situation under control. I don’t trust how unstable she is, or how daring she is getting, especially going after what is mine,” Lucas states and helps me up.
“Why is she targeting me? I didn’t do anything to her, but yet I was the one that got brutally attacked. I am the one that got raped by two men while I was at work. Where were the people I work with, where was the chief, why was I left alone to fend for myself and where were you and Stephen? I’m in this all by myself and nobody can tell me any different. I am the one dealing the demons that change into the people I love. I suffer nightmares. I’m the one that has my self-confidence stripped, and I am nothing but a shadow of who I used to be. So please spare me the bullshit lines that you are here for me. Youdon’t know what the hell I am dealing with.”
By the time I am finished spilling everything wrong from my possessed brain, I am breathing heavily, and tears are sting my eyes.
“I may not know what you physically went through, but I still have my sister’s last breath on my phone, and do you know what she said to me? She told me that no matter what, she loved me. So, guess what Fire, no matter how many fucked up things you throw at me and Stephen, we still love you no matter what,” Lucas growls, his face close to mine as his hands rest on my cheeks.
I can’t say anything. I can only stare into his eyes. I see truth, I see love and I see honesty, but most of all I see a man that is willing to go into battle and fight the demons that are currently fighting to the death in my head.
“We will make it so that you see the good that there is in this world, and not the hell that you are currently fighting,” he whispers, and places a gentle kiss on my forehead.
How did I get so lucky to have found not one but two men that are willing to go to bat with Satan to protect their angel?
Chapter Thirty-Three
“So basically, the accelerant used was a man-made substance that consists of metal powder and metal oxide,” the fire inspector states.
“THERMITE?” I bellow. Yeah, I totally didn’t mean to yell like that, but the stupid bitch is somehow smart enough to be able to mix thermite.
“Now, Mr. Roberts, there is no need to yell. I am simply here to tell you the results of the investigation. I understand. You know who did this? I need names so that I can have them charged. Thermite is an extremely dangerous substance, and I would like to make sure that everything is off the street,” He states and hands me the report that he compiled.
“Names please, Mr. Roberts.” He demands.
“Right sorry; the people that were around the bikes were Doreen Sweets and her twin brothers Kent and Clint Sweets. They also stated that Ms. Sweets has set up and that both Kent and Clint participated in the sexual assault and rape of my fiancé Amelia Mackenzie,” I state, still staring at the analysis. How did they get their hands-on stuff like this? Who among them is smart enough to do this?
I lift my head to tell him that he and his police officer buddies need to find them before my boys do, when my eyes catch the doors opening and my life walking towards me wrapped in my brothers’ arms.
“Inspector, the only thing I will say to you is I am giving you a head start,” I state and walk towards my angel and her protector.
“ROBERTS! I suggest you leave the justice to me and the boys in blue,” the fire inspector yells.