Page 32 of Love Plus One
“Don’t play coy with me. Slate told me all about – Kyzer, is it?”
“Oh, that,” I said, smiling sheepishly, “I don’t really consider him to be a boyfriend, yet. He’s been a really good friend to me. He chauffeured me around after my car was impounded.”
“Hmm,” she replied, tying a fancy bow around one of the presents she was wrapping, “Slate made it sound like a little more than that. He said the boy gave you a lip-lock before he left.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. That would be how Slate would put it.
“Yeah, I’m not sure lip-lock is the proper term. It was just a sweet kiss. It kind of took me by surprise since that was a first.”
“Really? Maybe he was staking his claim.”
“Staking his claim? Mom, I introduced Slate as my stepfather to him for crying out loud.”
“I’m not talking about Slate. Wasn’t Taz there at the time?” she teased.
I felt a flush spread across my face. What did my mother know?
I looked over at her quickly. She was clearly teasing me; she hadn’t a clue about Taz and me or she would not be so jovial.
“Really, Mom.” I said frowning.
“I’m just playing with you,” she laughed. “I know that Taz is not the type of guy you would be attracted to, but hey, Kyzer doesn’t know that, right?”
“I guess,” I replied, not comfortable even talking about Taz with my mother.
“So, tell me about Kyzer.”
I filled her in on what I knew about him, his looks and let her in on the fact that his family had a private jet at my disposal should I want to spend some time at their home in Naples, Florida.
“You’re not going to go, are you?” she asked, her brow furrowing.
“No, Mom. Don’t worry. I’m not going to go, but would you be open to me inviting him here for New Year’s Eve maybe?”
I was surprised I had even asked that question since the thought of it hadn’t occurred to me until just this minute.
Her eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. She so wanted me to have a boyfriend. I knew that she would approve of Kyzer. He was the “anti-Taz” in her book.
“Honey that would be fine. We have a spare bedroom upstairs. I mean you didn’t plan to cohabitate here, right? I mean, I think Slate would have a real problem with that and -”
“Mom, chill. My God, I just told you that what Slate saw at my apartment was the first time we even kissed. So what - you think I’m going to hop into bed with him the next time I see him?”
Now it was her turn to blush.
It amused me how funny she was about certain things, like trying to make it sound as if Slate would have an issue with my sleeping with a boyfriend under their roof.
“Of course not, sweetie. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t presume things about you like that. Things are different these days though.”
She was clearly tripping over her words trying to assure me that she wasn’t trying to nose into my business.
“Mom, do you remember that talk we had when I was home from Cornell my freshman year about my status with guys and lack of experience?”
She nodded.
“Well, it hasn’t changed.”
“You mean you’re still a virgin?” she asked, smiling.