Page 33 of Love Plus One
“Don’t sound so pleased about it Mom; I’m certainly not.”
She leaned over to give me a hug.
Neither one of us had noticed that Slate had slipped upstairs to my bedroom where we were wrapping the gifts. My mom started to respond to what I had just told her when Slate cleared his throat behind us.
Oh freaking great. Now he knows my status as well.
“Sorry to interrupt,” he said as if he hadn’t heard a thing, “Lindsey, I just got off the phone with the forensic lab that went over your car. Just as I suspected, the car had been wiped clean of prints. They did find a strand of light blond hair on the passenger side floor. Do any of your friends have long, blonde hair?”
“No,” I replied. “It sounds like Susanne’s hair.”
He nodded.
“It will undergo DNA testing. They also discovered that a sophisticated GPS tracking device had been attached to the underside of the car. It was likely done when your car was parked at school. It would not have been difficult for your father to find out where your transcripts from Cornell at had been transferred. I’m sure the GPS was used to find out where you lived.”
“So, you think that someone followed me into the parking garage?”
“Not necessarily inside, but to the location. Because that apartment complex is fairly large, they needed to find out which apartment was yours. That’s why they took your registration from the car. The building’s security officer confirmed that the camera covering the section where your car was parked was disabled.”
This was starting to feel really creepy.
“Lindsey, you need to get another cell phone with a new number.”
I nodded.
“Perhaps Santa will bring you one tomorrow,” my mom said smiling. “It might even be ‘plug’n’play.”
“Thanks, Mom. But this whole thing is freaking me out.”
“No need to freak out,” Slate replied. “We will get to the bottom of it.”
Slate leaned over to give Mom a kiss.
“Slate, would you check to see if Bryce is still napping?”
“Absolutely, baby,” he said leaving the room.
Mom and I finished wrapping the gifts.
I helped her make meatballs for the Christmas open house they were hosting tonight. I had invited Darcy to come by. She told me she wouldn’t miss it for the world.
I knew she planned on being entertained by my discomfort around Taz. She was in for a major disappointment. I decided I would no longer allow him to get under my skin. It was as simple as that.
It was just after 7:00 p.m. I could hear the sounds of the guests starting to arrive for the open house. Mom knocked on my door letting me know that Darcy was downstairs.
“I’ll be right down,” I called out, finishing with my eye make-up.
I was wearing a plain, black cocktail dress that had long sleeves and a v-neckline. It revealed an appropriate amount of cleavage.
I had put on patterned black, nylon thigh highs and a pair of four-inch black heels. I accented with red earrings, necklace and bracelet to make it more festive.
I descended the staircase spotting Darcy immediately. She was talking to Taz, naturally.
Knowing Darcy, she probably had her flirt on with him. She was already into Slate’s eggnog, which was fairly potent by the amount of rum I saw him pouring into it.
She looked up as I came into the room and called out to me.