Page 34 of Love Plus One
“Merry Christmas, Lindsey! Wow, you rock that dress. Don’t you agree, Taz?”
Sometimes I simply want to kill Darcy.
Taz was watching me; a slight smile appeared.
“Yeah,” he replied. “She looks great.”
“Merry Christmas, Darcy. . . Taz.”
“Hey, Taz,” Darcy said, “would you be a sweetie and get Lindsey some of this kick-ass eggnog?”
I actually thought I saw Taz hesitate momentarily, as if he was going to make an issue of my being underage. He nodded and disappeared into the throng of people in the living room.
“Okay,” I said to Darcy, “who in here is his date?”
“That’s just it,” she replied hastily, “he came alone.”
She nodded. “I mean as far as I can tell. Who in the hell are all these people?” she asked.
“Hell if I know,” I laughed, “probably FBI people.”
“Really?” she asked, eyes widening. “That’s kind of hot. Oh, here he comes. I think I’m going to mingle for a bit with some of these G-men,” she said with a wink.
She promptly disappeared, making it look as if I wanted to be alone with Taz, which I clearly did not.
Taz gave a little smirk as he handed me a cup of the eggnog. I thanked him and took a sip.
There was an uncomfortable silence between us. I took another sip. Something was wrong.
“Where did you get this?” I asked him, somewhat puzzled.
“From the refrigerator,” he replied with a shrug.
“Not from the punch bowl in the dining room?”
“Nope. From the carton in the fridge.”
“Well, then there’s no alcohol in it.”
“That’s right. It’s virgin ‘nog.”
“Oh, that’s really funny, Taz.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” he said, clearly agitated.
“You’re an ass.”
Despite my resolve to put the whole ugly incident with Taz out of my mind, to rise above his assholey behavior then and now, I quickly became aware that it was easier said than done.
I passed Darcy on my way into the dining room.
“Who pissed on your cornflakes?” she asked.
“Does it show?”
“Hell yes, Lindsey. What the hell happened in the last three minutes?”