Page 92 of Love Plus One
“Don’t move,” I said to him, tickling his chubby little chin. God, he was cute.
The bathroom was off of his nursery. It was the same bathroom shared by the master suite.
I opened the door from the nursery, breezing in to fetch a wash cloth not realizing that Slate was occupying it. He was standing at the toilet, penis in hand taking a leak.
Oh my God!
I stopped in my tracks, my face turning crimson, my hand flying up to cover my mouth. He looked over at me mid-stream unable to do anything but finish peeing.
I backed out, eyes widened, stuttering an apology as I felt for the doorway, whirling around and beating a fast exist.
I slammed the door behind me leaning against it. I was horrified at what I had done. It hadn’t occurred to me that someone using the bathroom wouldn’t have locked the access door from the nursery. I suppose he hadn’t figured Bryce would be barging in any time soon.
I went over to the crib. Bryce’s eyelids were heavy. I checked his bottom. It definitely needed more cleaning. I went out the other door from the nursery, heading to the kitchen. I wet a paper towel, scurrying back to the nursery avoiding any risk of running into Slate.
I wiped his bottom clean and fastened a fresh diaper on him.
I pulled his blanket to his waist and watched as he drifted off to sleep, clutching his new toy gun instead of his turtle which made me smile.
I left the nursery and quietly slipped upstairs to my room. How in the hell would I ever face Slate again? I didn’t want to think about it.
I slipped into the shower, taking my time washing my hair, shaving my legs and waiting for my cell phone to ring. After I emerged from the bathroom thoroughly clean, conditioned and blown-dry I checked my phone. Nothing. My clock said it was 4:16 p.m. Screw this. I phoned Darcy.
“What up?” she asked, putting on her ‘gangsta’ tone. God, she must be bored.
“I haven’t heard a thing. What do you want to do?”
“Listen to this, Linds. I ran into Jess and Sonya, remember them from Dazzle?”
“Not the lesbians?” I asked.
“No, they are the bartenders that hooked up and got married.
“Oh yeah, so what about them?”
“Well, they told me that Dazzle has booked a previously famous alternative metal group for tonight in a surprise concert to launch their major comeback tour.”
“Who?” I asked.
“Hot Addiction,” she all but screamed. “You have to remember them.”
“Vaguely,” I replied, not nearly as stoked as she was.
“So, here’s the deal,” she continued. “Their surprise appearance will be to open for the regularly scheduled pop rock band they have starting to play at nine. We need to get there no later than 7:30 p.m. to get an up close table so we can see them.”
“So, what time are you picking me up?”
“Here’s the thing. I have no problem picking you up but I plan to party. Can you just plan on sleeping over here and I will bring you back in the morning?”
“Oh, Darcy, I don’t know. You understand the situation with my Mom. The whole reason I’m here is to help out with Bryce.”
“Well, isn’t Slate there still?”
“Well, yeah.”
“So, just see if he as an issue with it? I can have you back my like nine tomorrow morning. I’m promise I’ll be sober by then.”
I couldn’t deal with having to approach Slate on anything right now. If it was possible to avoid him until he took off for Baltimore on Tuesday that would have been my preference. I knew that was unrealistic.