Page 93 of Love Plus One
Okay,” I sighed. “I’ll be ready at seven.”
“Wear something that totally rocks. We are going to party,” she replied, bubbling over with enthusiasm.
Mom was napping as I discovered when I peeked in on her to search out Slate.
I was still in my long, terrycloth robe. I traipsed into the kitchen looking for Slate. He was kicked back in the family room, his cell phone up to his ear.
As he saw me approach, he held his finger up as if to signal me to hang on; he’d be right with me. His demeanor seemed no different than usual.
“So, how’d you shoot?” he asked whoever was on the other end.
“That good, huh? I thought you might be a little rusty being you haven’t been on the range for a while.”
He paused, waiting for a response at the other end.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t give me that shit. You only did as well as you did because you were trying to impress ‘Dirty Diana’, you horny bastard.”
Slate was chuckling over some private joke.
“What do you mean, how did I know she was even at the range? It’s called Intel, Taz. I have the pulse of everything that goes on at Quantico, no matter what or where.”
Slate looked over at me winking. He was totally enjoying fucking with Taz. I was totally starting a slow burn.
“Naw, I talked to Hatfield earlier. He told me you did a double stint at the range this afternoon after Dee Dee got there. He figured you were working on some best laid plans before we take off for Baltimore. Hey, enjoy brother. I gotta run.”
All thoughts of being embarrassed in front of Slate evaporated. Who the hell was ‘Dirty Diana’ or ‘D.D’ for short? Obviously, she was the reason I hadn’t heard from Taz all afternoon.
Slate looked over at me.
“Sorry about that, Lindsey. Did you want to speak to me?”
“Oh, yeah,” I stammered, trying to focus on the purpose of my visit. “Darcy called and a great band is playing at Dazzle tonight. She’s going to pick me up at seven. The thing is that Darcy is planning on partying and lives really close to Dazzle, so she said she could run me back here in the morning. Can you handle Bryce until I get home?”
“Are you really going to be with Darcy?” Slate teased. I was in no mood for this shit.
“Slate,” I said, my voice not masking my irritation. “Stop treating me as a teenager. I’m not asking your permission to stay out all night. I’m simply trying to ascertain if this will create a problem for you handling Bryce until I get home. That is why I dropped out of school and came home, remember?”
“Oh, yeah, I was just teasing, Lindsey. Sure, it’s all good. Have a good time and be careful.”
“Good,” I said turning to leave. I stopped then and turned back to look at him.
“Oh, Slate, there is one more thing?”
“Sure Linds, what is it?”
“Start locking the bathroom door on the nursery side when you’re in there.”
I turned back around and left the room.
Once I got back upstairs, I was fuming. I switched my television on and got my nail polish out. I put a towel down on my bed and started painting my toenails.
When I was sure they weren’t tacky any longer, I got up and went through my closet to find an appropriate dress for this evening. I decided on a short, form fitting red dress that had a matching red bolero jacket trimmed with black embroidered scrollwork. I would accessorize with black four-inch heels, and black jewelry.
I had hung my dress out on the door of the closet when my phone rang. It was Taz.
Go figure. I mean it was only a quarter till six!
“Hello,” I answered, frostily.