Page 94 of Love Plus One
“Hey, baby girl,” he greeted as if it were the most natural thing in the world for him to diss me all day long then give me a last minute shout out. “
“Taz,” I said.
“Are you busy?” he asked.
I could picture his brows arching up the way they do when he is puzzled.
“Just getting ready,” I replied, going into the bathroom to plug in my flat iron.
“For what?”
“Darcy is picking me up around seven. We’re going clubbing.”
That was met with a moment of silence.
“I see,” he replied, tersely. “I thought we had plans.”
“Yeah, I thought so too, Taz, but when I didn’t hear from you for the better part of the day, I figured that we didn’t. I made some of my own.”
“So, we’re playing games now?”
“I’m not interested in playing games, Taz.”
“What do you call this?”
“I call this having a life of my own. Yes, I would have preferred spending time with you today or this evening, but I didn’t presume that it was going to happen when I didn’t hear from you until just now.”
“Shit, Lindsey, you could have called me if you need that much fucking lead time to plan your daily social activities. I had things to do in Quantico today. I explained that to you yesterday.”
I was now thoroughly steamed. Was he clueless?
“You never mentioned it was going to take you all day to drop a key off at the forensic lab.”
“I had other things I needed to take care of while I was there. I needed to get some shooting practice done. It’s been a while.”
“I’ll bet,” I said in my menstrual, snotty tone.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“What it means, Taz, is that common courtesy would have been to touch base before it got this late if we were to have plans for this afternoon!”
“Hey,” he snapped back, “I never said a thing about this afternoon being when we would get together.”
“True; but you did say you would get in touch with me this afternoon. Here’s a bulletin, Taz: afternoon has ended.”
“Jesus Christ, Lindsey. You see? This is exactly why I avoid cultivating anything other than sexual relationships. It is too fucking complicated.”
His words stung me like a thousand bees.
I had friends over the years both in high school and now college that had been in their fair share of relationships. I had watched on the sidelines, witnessing how some of them had been very high maintenance. That wasn’t my style, yet somehow Taz was making me feel like it was.
“Look, Taz, this isn’t worth arguing about. You committed to something and you didn’t follow through. It wasn’t my responsibility to hunt you down to confirm our plans.”
“Oh, I see,” he said. “It’s the man’s job to perform to your expectations, to understand the rules of protocol with high maintenance chicks. Well, Lindsey, that is not my style. I’m nobody’s lap dog. So, if you think I’m going to be out there chasing your ass all over D.C. tonight like some freaking, alpha control freak, think again.”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Taz? Or better yet, go fuck Dirty Diana,” I hissed. “That is probably more your style.”
I ended the call, tossing my phone on the bed and went to finish my hair and make-up.