Page 95 of Love Plus One
I was sitting at our ringside table at Dazzle, sucking down my third (possibly fourth) ‘Big Titty Ho on a Motorcycle’.
Darcy had insisted that I would love it. It was tequila, Pepsi, amaretto, and whiskey-sour mix. I had to admit, they were growing on me.
I was decked out, feeling the fuzzy effect of the alcohol and watching Darcy dancing with different guys on the floor.
I had been asked to dance about a half dozen times, politely declining. I was content to sit back and watch while getting hammered.
The band took a break and Darcy returned to the table, fanning her face to cool off.
She was dressed in a tiny little tight purple skirt with a black sparkly top that was drawing a lot of attention.
She flopped down in the chair across from me, taking a big swallow of her Orgasm #8: tequila and Bailey’s Irish Cream. I didn’t do drinks with Bailey’s.
“Hey,” she said, “I literally bumped into Sonya on the dance floor. She’s going to stop over in a bit to join us for the evening.”
“That’s cool,” I replied.
“So,” she said, brushing the damp hair off of her forehead. “Are you going to stay in that freaking ‘buzz kill’ mood all evening, Lindsey?”
“I’m fine,” I lied, taking another long sip of my drink.
“Look,” she said, waving her index fever back and forth in front of me. “Dude obviously is clueless as to how to be a boyfriend. So teach him.”
“Yeah, right,” I laughed. “After all, I have so much experience with being a girlfriend, don’t I? Besides, I’m not even sure I could classify him as a boyfriend, Darce.”
I had shared with Darcy over our first drink the phone conversation I had heard between Slate and Taz, and the fact that Taz had called me afterwards presuming we would make plans for the evening and our ensuing argument. I hadn’t mentioned ‘Dirty Diana.’
“Lindsey, you did the right thing. The last thing you want to do is be too available. He needs to understand you will not be taken for granted.”
“I’m not trying to play games here, Darcy. I did want to see him, but I had already made plans with you. I’m not going to blow off friends like that. I just felt like Taz should have understood.”
“Honey, he’s out of his comfort zone here. Darin told me that Taz doesn’t do relationships. He does women once or twice and then moves on. You may have to accept the fact that you guys aren’t boyfriend/girlfriend material. Maybe being fuck buddies is the best he can do.”
I shrugged. I had considered that possibility as well.
“Hey, did you know Taz is a like an 8th degree black belt in Taekwondo?”
“No, it’s never come up.” I replied.
“Yeah, Darin is testing for his red belt at the academy next month. He sparred with Taz once; for about six seconds,” she said, laughing.
“Has Darin ever mentioned a female recruit called either Dee Dee or ‘Dirty Diana’?”
“Never mind.”
“Oh no, not on your perky ass. Spill what you know about this Dirty Diana.”
I rolled my eyes at her. I knew she wouldn’t let it go. I filled her in on the rest of the conversation I had overheard.
“So, do you think Taz spent extra time at the range just to hang with her?”
I shrugged my shoulders, downing the rest of my cocktail.
“Do you want me to ask Darin if he knows the skank?”