Page 19 of Craving Morgan
“But you just said my kidnapping made you face a harsh fact and that was you didn’t want to live without me.”
He was making a mess of this.“That’s not what I meant.”
“You know what I think, Jameson.” She slowly stalked toward him, looking like a predator about to pounce on prey.“I think I was a convenience.I accepted your long hours and more time in the office than with me.I didn’t argue with you about it.”
“No, you just left me.” Without a word.Yeah, he was still ticked about that.Common courtesy would have been to at least tell him to his face she was leaving.
Morgan stopped coming toward him.“It was hard having a conversation with someone who was never around.” Morgan sighed, looking hurt.“You chose your career over me.”
“You never said anything.Never argued.” It was hard to fix a problem when he didn’t know one had been there to begin with.
“I shouldn’t’ve had to.I should have been more important.” She pressed her hand to her chest over her heart.“You should have picked staying in bed with me over your office.” Morgan dropped her hand and shook her head.The hurt look gone to a mask of indifference.“Look, it’s over and done with.We just weren’t meant to be, Jameson.”
“I can change.”
Morgan shook her head sadly.“It’s too late.I’m not willing to go through that again to end up right where we are.You will always choose your career over me.You’re married to your job.You don’t have room in your life for anyone else.” Morgan took a shaky breath as if she were fighting back tears.“Thank you for the flowers and good night.”
She turned to leave.“I do love you, Morgan.” he said softly, though he wasn’t sure if it was more to himself or to her.It felt too little too late, but it should be said.
Morgan stopped but didn’t turn to face him.“How I would love to believe that.” She ran up her steps and disappeared.
Jameson felt his heart breaking.He knew winning her trust back and getting back together wasn’t going to be easy, but he thought she at least knew he’d always loved her.Even though he hadn’t been there physically to show her.
When he was home, he’d always made sure to put her first.She’d always been understanding of his schedule when he had to work late or picked up a case.Morgan didn’t complain or argue.
He just wished he knew what he could do to get through to her.To show her that he was dedicated to her and earning her love back.
He needed time.Unfortunately for him, he didn’t have much with a killer gunning for Morgan that could strike any time.
Well, he could start proving himself now.
He was walking back to his car to take up his patrol of her apartment when he saw the jogger from earlier coming down the sidewalk next to his car.They seemed to slow down.
Jameson still had his knife easily accessible in his back pocket.He casually walked to the car, using his peripheral vision to watch the hooded figure jogging toward him as he slipped the knife from his pocket into his hand.
Jameson couldn’t see the face, but the material bunched on the sides like the person had dipped their head at him.
“Evening,” Jameson said, the knife ready at his side just in case he needed to protect himself.The person breezed by without a word.Jameson watched him as he kept going.At the next block, he turned right and disappeared.
Jameson didn’t relax.He was seeing danger everywhere.Everyone was a potential assassin.He needed to decipher that file faster.
He’d brought the file with him to try and crack it.Morgan was tucked safely in her apartment.He had a clear view of seeing who came and went.
Jameson adjusted his seat back to get more comfortable for a long night and started going through the file.The lamplight poured in the driver's window, giving him adequate light.He’d been on plenty of stakeouts and had prepared drinks and snacks to get him through the night.
His old Jeep wasn’t as comfortable as he’d have liked, but he’d survive.It wasn’t like he was planning on getting any sleep.He was used to functioning on little to no sleep.In the morning, when Morgan left for work, he’d get some sleep before going to work and meeting her when she got off.
A patrol car was supposed to do routine checks throughout the night on this block and a few blocks surrounding the area.He wasn’t leaving Morgan unprotected at night.An extra pair of eyes was always helpful.They were supposed to be discreet about it so Morgan didn’t know they were patrolling her house.
Jameson took one last longing look up at the window he knew was Morgan’s window and saw her peeking out at him.How he wished she would crook a finger and beckon him inside.Soon.Jameson hadn’t missed the longing look in her eye when they’d stood close together.She was angry at him—for good reason—he could see that now, but she still felt something for him.He could work with that.
Jameson was a patient man, and he wasn’t giving Morgan up.Not this time.Morgan stepped back from the window and disappeared from view.Jameson mourned her loss, but all the same, knew it was safer for her to stay away from the windows.Didn’t need to give an assassin an easy target.
He took one last sweep of the street before digging deeper into the file, hoping, praying for some clue about who was after the woman he loved.
Chapter 11
“He’s here.”