Page 20 of Craving Morgan
“Just so we are on the same page, he would be?” Brooklyn asked, though she probably knew exactly who.Morgan didn’t date or talk about other men.Not that she hadn’t tried, just none had been like him, so instead of trying, she buried herself in her work.
“Jameson.” She threw as much disdain into her voice as she could, though a part of her was thrilled by his determination to see her.She hadn’t believed it when he’d said he wanted to be with her again, but he was proving her wrong by coming by every evening and not leaving until morning.
Though he didn’t always try and talk to her.He just walked her home from work and hung out under the tree across from her apartment or in his car.She didn’t know what that was about, but she hadn’t wanted to ask and show she was curious about what he was doing.
“In your apartment?” Brooklyn gasped in shock.She knew how much breaking up with Jameson had hurt Morgan and how she’d gone out of her way to avoid him since.
“What?” Morgan squeaked, now it was her turn to sound surprised.“Good god, no.” She hadn’t even let him in after her kidnapping other than to duck his head in to see there was no one lurking in the shadows and then sent him on his way.Morgan couldn’t allow him into her inner space again.
It had taken months to finally scrub his memory from her apartment, and she wasn’t going to let him soil it up all over again.After his declaration to get back together, she wanted to keep him out even more.Her heart couldn’t go through that roller coaster again.
“Well, you said here so I assumed…” Her voice trailed off.
Morgan knew Brooklyn had always hoped she and Jameson would patch things up and get back together.That was never happening.“He’s outside.He’s standing across the street watching my place.” Morgan leaned against the window frame and opened two of the blinds with her finger and thumb and looked out through them.Jameson stood in the same spot she’d last seen him when she’d gone inside.
He hadn’t tried talking to her since he’d told her he still loved her.That admission still had her reeling.After a year, Morgan would have thought he’d forgotten about her.Loving his next case more than a flesh and blood woman.
She wouldn’t let it sway her though.He’d said he loved her and would come by every day, but at some point, the next case would take precedence, and once again she would be left alone.
Morgan just needed to wait him out.Eventually, he’d get bored of waiting or a case would take him away.Either way, soon enough he would leave and forget she ever existed again.
“Does he suspect trouble?” Brooklyn asked in concern.“Oh, Morg, if something happens to you again because of me—”
“Brook, stop,” Morgan cut her off before Brooklyn threw herself down on the proverbial sword and blamed herself once again for something beyond her control.“He was just checking up on me after…everything.” She refused to go down that rabbit hole and think about her kidnapping of a few days.They hadn’t done anything to her.Roughed her up a little but no permanent damage.There was no reason to dwell on it.True, it had been scary, not knowing what they were going to do to her, but she’d come out pretty unscathed.
Brooklyn had it worse.She’d been chased down, almost mauled by a bear.Yes, a freakin’ bear.She wasn’t going to let Jameson off the hook on that one.In comparison, Brooklyn had it way worse than her.
“That was sweet of him.” Brooklyn sighed dreamily.
Morgan rolled her eyes and stepped away from the window to sit on her couch.Her furnishings were simple for her small apartment, then again she didn’t need much.A large white sofa and a wooden coffee table.Across from the couch was a wall-mounted TV.A small round table for two sat in her dining room.She didn’t have anyone to invite over except for Brooklyn.“It’s stalkerish.”
“He just wants to protect you.I think he feels he failed you when you got kidnapped.You didn’t see his face, Morg, when Lawry said he was behind your kidnapping.Jameson lost his mind with worry for you.I can’t image what he went through on that drive back to the city.”
Morgan refused to soften at that confession.It still didn’t change anything between them.“He shouldn’t have worried.I can take care of myself.”
“Everyone needs help every once and a while, Morg.”
“And I’m not afraid to ask for help.WhenI need it.” In that scenario, she hadn’t.Her kidnapper hadn’t been the brightest and left her in a basement full of arsenal to use against him.He had tied her hands, but there were enough sharp objects that were easily reachable to free herself.“Can you believe he suggested we should be friends?”
She was still baffled by that.As if she would want to be friends with the man who’d shattered her heart and hadn’t bothered to try more than a call and text when she’d left him after two years together.That didn’t scream love.There was too much baggage between them to try for friendship.She could barely look at him, let alone want to spend time with him.
“Really?” Brooklyn’s voice turned hopeful again.“And what did you say?”
“That we should skip the friendship and go straight back to dating.I miss the fucking.” She did miss sex, especially with Jameson.He was a phenomenal lover who never left her wanting.She didn’t miss it enough to go back to him though.
“No, you didn’t,” Brooklyn responded without missing a beat.Brooklyn could never be considered gullible.She was as smart as she was funny, and Morgan couldn’t be more grateful for her as a best friend.
“No, I told him I have all the friends I need and leave me alone.”
“Oh…” Did Brooklyn have to sound so sad about that?She should be proud of Morgan for sticking to her guns and not letting his handsome face sway her back into his net where it was impossible to escape.
“Since when do you champion him?” Morgan grumbled, feeling she needed to defend herself but refrained.
Brooklyn knew her long history with Jameson and the slow decay of their relationship.Brooklyn had been there to help Morgan as she got over him.She’d brought over gallons of ice cream and bottles of wine.Brooklyn hadn’t talked to him as a courtesy to her until Morgan had told her to go to him for help.Why the sudden change?
“Since I found love and realized how important it is.I would do anything to be with Drake and he for me.I know how much you once loved Jameson.It could be that way again.I know there is something still there.”
Morgan hated hearing the hopeful tone in her friend's voice.Brooklyn did have a heart of gold and just wanted her happy, but that happiness wasn’t meant for everyone.“Look, Brook, I’m happy for you and Drake.He’s a good man, but there’s a difference between him and Jameson.You guys would do anything for each other.Jameson cares more about his job than he ever did about me.”