Page 28 of Craving Morgan
Well, this guy was about to learn she didn’t go down without a fight.Morgan swung up her fist.It was no more than a glancing blow.The guy was made out of cement.She tried kicking him, but he deflected the action.
“Pathetic,” he chuckled as if he was enjoying her attempt to hurt him.
Morgan balled up her hand and drove her right fist into his granite cheek.His head snapped to the side.Morgan felt a moment of victory, but it was short-lived when he growled and his meaty hand swung around and hit her across the side of the face.
Morgan felt whiplash from the force and half spun into her car.Her cheek was on fire.The man didn’t hold back his force just because she was a woman.
Next, the man grabbed her shoulder and pulled, forcing her to turn back toward him.She could feel the rage rolling off of the man in waves.
Good, she was pissed off too.She went to strike him again, but he batted her hand away and wrapped his hand around her neck and squeezed.
She could still breathe, it was more to hold her in place.His body was pressed tightly up against hers so she couldn’t fight back with her legs.
“Say goodbye, bitch.” Morgan gasped when she felt the press of cold steel against her temple.She didn’t need to see it to know it was a gun.
Oh god, no.She’d been so wrong.He wasn’t here to kidnap her like Lawry.He was here to kill her.
Morgan felt icy fear running through her veins.Worse than the last time.She was out of options.They were the only ones in the parking lot.She’d pushed Jameson away.No one was coming to her rescue.This man was no amateur like Lawry had been.Morgan was about to die.
There were so many things she had left unfinished.Things she still wanted to do with her life.She wanted to let Jameson know she was sorry and how wrong she had been.That she wanted that second chance.Now it was too late.
Morgan closed her eyes, not wanting to see the end come.She didn’t want this ski mask covered man to be the last thing she saw.Or the flash of the gun before the bullet entered her brain.She wanted her last thought to be of Jameson.
His piercing blue eyes.His kind, warm smile.The way he used to hold her close.Cherished.Loved.
Jameson, I love you.I’m so sorry.
Chapter 16
Suddenly her attacker was gone.Morgan tore her eyes open to see two men on the ground rolling around, punching each other, and grunting.Someone had rescued her.The gun that had been about to kill her laid a foot away.She didn’t know how to use one and didn’t think now was the time to learn.She might accidentally hit her rescuer.
Both men stood up and started circling each other.Neither seemed to pay her any attention, they were focused on their own battle to the death to pay her any mind.The lamplight finally illuminated her rescuer, and Morgan felt her knees buckle.Jameson.He’d come for her.She hadn’t sent him packing after all.
The men went back at each other like two bears on the mountain.Both fighting for their life.Morgan did not doubt Jameson’s skills until she caught the gleam of a knife the attacker had pulled out from behind.
Morgan wanted to cry out but was afraid of distracting Jameson.He needed all of his focus on the fight.She clamped her hands over her mouth and could do nothing but watch this fight to the end.
Since the parking lot was so dark, she couldn’t see who was winning and losing.She believed in Jameson and his capability, even though the other man was larger than him.His size reminded her of Simon.The guy was built like a linebacker.Morgan didn’t want to think about what would happen if Jameson lost.She would be dead for sure.She had seen the murderous intent in the man’s eyes.
The men turned, and she could finally see their faces in the lamplight.Jameson was on the right and her attacker on the left.Jameson drove his fist into her attacker’s stomach.The man bent over, groaning low and painful.Jameson followed up with a knee to his face.
Morgan could hear the sickening sound of bone crunching.Most likely his nose.The attacker raised his knife and thrust it toward Jameson’s middle.
Morgan did cry out, but it was muffled thanks to her hands over her mouth.Jameson didn’t seem to notice.His sole attention was on the knife coming at him.He caught her attacker’s wrists and stopped the forward momentum of the knife.He angled the man’s wrists to the side and kicked the knife away.Jameson kicked out at him, but the man caught his foot and pulled.Jameson’s arms wind-milled in the air for a second before he fell on the unforgiving asphalt.
Jameson lay on the ground not moving.Morgan knew he wasn’t dead but probably had the wind knocked out of him.
The man rose to his feet and looked at Morgan.He was only a few feet away, and his knife was on the ground right in front of him.The man grabbed it and stalked toward her like a predator and her the prey.She was.Morgan glanced around, frantically looking for an escape, and saw the gun on the ground next to her.
She bent down and grabbed it, aiming it at the man.Her hands shook as she held it up with both fear and the sheer weight of it.The thing felt like it weighed ten pounds.Morgan had no idea if it was loaded or if it had a safety.He’d had it aimed at her moments ago, so she had to assume it was loaded and all she needed to do was pull the trigger.
She could see the internal conflict in the man’s eyes.Wondering if he could make it to her before she would pull the trigger.If she could even pull the trigger.Morgan didn’t want to have to find out.She may have a sharp tongue, but she never wanted to murder someone, even if it was to stay alive.
“Put your hands up.” Morgan felt her knees wobble hearing Jameson’s voice sounding steady and angry.She didn’t dare take her eyes off her attacker to see if he was okay.The attacker cursed before taking off across the parking lot.
“Morgan.” Jameson was at her side in seconds.The gun clattered on the ground between them.Her whole body was shaking now.She swore she was having an out-of-body experience.Nothing on her body would work.Not even her voice.Who was the weak woman inhabiting her body?She was stronger than this.Morgan dealt with high-end realtors.She’d been kidnapped and never had a breakdown.Why now?Why did it have to be in front of Jameson?
“Morg, are you hurt?” He gripped both sides of her face to make her look at him.