Page 29 of Craving Morgan
Since her vocal cords didn’t want to work, she shook her head.
“Let’s get you inside.” That was going to be tricky since her legs didn’t want to work either.Morgan tried to take a step, but her leg was like Jell-O and just crumpled.
Jameson bent down to pick up the gun with a cloth and stashed it inside his coat pocket, then he swept an arm under her legs, his other cradled her back as he tore across the parking lot.Morgan didn’t protest, she just wrapped her arms around his neck and held on, her eyes staring behind them, wondering if the attacker would come back at any second.
Jameson paused at the top of the stairs.It took her a moment to realize why.She needed to unlock the door.She reached for her purse, but Jameson shifted her to one arm, pulled out his keys, and unlocked the door all while still supporting her.
He still had a set of keys to her place?She knew she should be upset about that, but it had come in handy at the moment.She was sure she would have embarrassed herself if she had been forced to try and put her key in the lock.
“Th-thanks,” she was able to stutter out.
At least she was speaking again.Not much could be done about the shaking, unfortunately.
Jameson didn’t say anything, he just carried her inside.Morgan expected him to set her down once they were inside.Instead, he pivoted to close and lock her front door then headed down the hallway to her bathroom.He finally set her down on the edge of the tub.
“Sit tight, baby.” He kissed her forehead then reached past her.
Morgan watched silently as he turned on the water, testing the temperature before putting in the stopper.He squatted down and looked under the sink and pulled out a bottle of scented oil.Coconut, her favorite, and poured it into the tub.Within moments she could smell the coconut and feel the warmth from the bath.
She hadn’t realized how cold she was until that moment.“Let’s get you in the tub.” He helped her stand then slowly pulled himself away, she wasn’t ready for him to go yet.He was the only thing holding her up at the moment.She had felt safe cradled in his arms.
Morgan had never felt so scared as she had when that gun was pressed against her head.It had been just as terrifying watching Jameson fighting her attacker.Holding onto him affirmed they were both okay.
Was that something he did often?Fight attackers?She hoped not.She didn’t want to think about how many close calls he might have had over the years on the force.Knowing he did it and seeing it brought a whole new clarity of how dangerous his job was.
It didn’t seem to faze him though because he just stood there calmly while she was shaking like a leaf.It was almost irritating, but she was in no condition to argue with him just yet.
“I don’t know if I can.”
“It’s adrenaline.The bath will help.” He started stripping her.Taking her shirt and bra off before sliding her skirt and underwear down.There was nothing sexual about what he was doing, but her nipples pebbled just the same.He deposited her in the tub as if she were lighter than a feather.“Be right back.” Jameson was gone for only a few moments then returned.She didn’t ask what he had done, at the moment she couldn’t even think.
Jameson grabbed a cup and started pouring water down her back and shoulders, not saying a word, just letting her process what had happened.
Morgan just sat there a moment, letting the heat seep into her bones and the coconut scent relax her.Only she couldn’t relax at the moment.She kept seeing flashes of a gun pressed to her temple.Evil eyes excited to pull the trigger.Knowing her life was about to end horribly.
“He tried to kill me.” Jameson stopped what he was doing and looked at her.“He…he put a gun to my head.He would have killed me if you hadn’t shown up,” she choked out.Never had she been so close to death in her life.An experience she never wanted to go through again.
Jameson dropped the cup and gathered her in his arms, uncaring she was getting his shirt wet.“Shhh, you’re alright now.He can’t hurt you.”
“But he got away,” she argued.She clung to him like a lifeline.For all she knew, the guy was standing under the tree Jameson did, staring at her house and wondering how to get in.He would come for her again, she had no doubt.
“He’ll think twice about coming after you again.”
“Why me?Is it because of Brooklyn?” She was no one.Brooklyn was the only one who knew anything about what was going on.Morgan was just a casualty.Why come after her?Was it to get to Brooklyn?
“I don’t know, baby.” She knew that wasn’t true, but she didn’t point it out.Right now she was safe and in the arms of the man she loved.
She still loved him.Even when she was angry at him, she still loved him, regardless that she hadn’t wanted to admit it to herself or anyone else.“I’m sorry.I’m so sorry about earlier.I never should have said the things I did to you.About you.I was so angry.”
She shook her head, upset she’d let her anger get the better of her.If she had managed to push Jameson away as she’d hoped her speech would have, she’d be dead now.
Now she could understand why Jameson had tried to pursue her again after her kidnapping.That fear of losing the person you loved.Knowing how precious life was and how it could be snuffed in a second and then spend a life of regret because you let pride get in the way.
Jameson pulled back, sweeping her hair from her face.“Morg, stop.You said how you felt.I can’t be mad about that.You were right.I did take advantage of your easy agreement.I should have known.I should have put you first.”
“I thought I finally pushed you away today when you weren’t there when I came home.” A tear streaked down her cheek.
Jameson cursed and pulled her that much closer into his chest.“I’m sorry, I got tied up at work with this case.I got here as soon as I could.If I had gotten here any later...”