Page 93 of Pity Pact
“What are you going to do?”
“What can I do? I guess I’m just going to keep showing up and hope for the best.”
“How are things going with Fielden?” she asks. I haven’t filled her in on the new developments in my love life—exit Fielden, enter Tim—so I take a few minutes and do that.
“I love the idea of you and Tim!” she says enthusiastically.
“You don’t think he’s still hung up on Eva? Because I’m worried.”
Missy sits down on a pincushion stool. “I thought he was over Eva when he started dating Cami. And speaking of Cami, is she still in the picture?”
I sit cross-legged on the floor next to her. “Yeah, she is. I hate feeling like I’m in competition with her.”
“It’s a dating show,” Missy says. “That’s kind of how it goes. Someone is liable to have their heart broken.”
“It just feels bad.” I hurry to add, “It’ll feel worse if Tim and Cami wind up together and I’m left hanging.”
“You have to trust that the best thing will happen.” Missy has always had a penchant for trusting in destiny.
“I’m not sure if you know this about me,” I tell her. “But I’m not prone to believe everything will always work out. Especially as it pertains to my life.”
“You’ve certainly been a lot more optimistic in the past than you are now,” she reminds me. “I know you’re scared, but come on, this is the adventure of a lifetime. And if you and Tim become an item, you’ll never have to leave Elk Lake. It’s a win for all of us.”
“But what if Tim winds up with Cami and I don’t findanybody? Then I get to sit back and watch how happy they are. What about that?”
Missy bends down and takes my hands in hers. “You were my cheerleader before I found Jamie. Back then, I was the one who didn’t believe I could have a happy ending, but you kept assuring me I’d have one.”
“Yeah, but Jamie wasn’t dating a bunch of other women …”
“Because he didn’t want to date anyone,” she reminds me. “I was head over heels for him, and he positively refused to give me a chance. Until he did. I don’t want you giving up before the game is over.”
“I don’t want love to be a game,” I moan.
“Then you shouldn’t have gone on a dating show.” My lip curls like she just insulted my cat. She hurries to add, “You’re on it now so you might as well make the best of it. And I have a feeling you won’t be sorry.”
I continue to hang out with Missy until three o’clock. Then I go home to get my dress for tonight’s mixer. I have no idea how they’re going to decide who will leave the show, but I don’t want it to be me because that will mean that Tim and Cami will have more time together.
In hopes of chatting privately with Tim, I arrive at the club a full thirty minutes ahead of schedule. I hate to admit this while he’s also dating someone else, but the man calms me. To make matters worse, not only can I see a future with him, but I’m starting to think he might be the one.
I’ve walked through the front doors of the club so many times in recent days, it’s starting to feel commonplace. What’s not normal is the scene that greets me. Tim and his parents are engaged in what appears to be a boisterous exchange.
Tim yells, “Why didn’t you tell me? Why the secrecy?”
“Because you would have thrown a fit.” His mother gestures around him, before adding, “Much like you’re doing now.”
His dad wants in on the action. “Really, Timothy. Is this any way to behave at work?”
“Are you kidding me right now?” Tim demands. But instead of waiting for them to answer, he spins around and addresses Trina who’s standing against the wall. “Nothing like this was in our contract.”
She smiles confidently. “The contract states clearly that we’re allowed to contact your friends and family.”
She’s right. I saw that and thought it would be fun if they interviewed Missy. She would have loved that.
Tim doesn’t seem to remember that part. “Trina, I will not tolerate being made a fool of. Do you understand?”
His mom interjects, “Why in the world would your father and I make a fool of you? What a horrible thing to imply.”
Tim faces her, looking mildly contrite, before answering, “I don’t think you’d make a fool of me, but these television people are vultures. They will edit whatever you say to fit the story they’ve created for me.”