Page 94 of Pity Pact
“Tim,” Trina interrupts, “while I will agree that things have gone differently this season, I have assured you, and will do so again, that my only interest is in helping singles find their love match. And that includes you.”
“Maybe so, Trina. But as you’ve said yourself,youdon’t have any real power on the show.” Then he asks his dad, “What did you say in there about me?”
The look on Mr. Ferris’ face more than indicates he’s not pleased with his son. “I suppose you’ll find out in good time.” He motions for his wife to join him. “Your mother and I are going to have a late lunch with friends at the Premier Club. I hope this doesn’t upset your day further.”
As Tim’s parents walk away, I hurry to join him. “That was quite a scene.”
He looks relieved to see me. “Paige, hi.” Running his hands through his hair, he says, “I have no idea what’s going on tonight, but I’m tempted to call in sick.”
“You can’t do that!” I practically yell. If Tim doesn’t show up, then I’ll be on my own like a bucket of chum duringShark Week.
But instead of agreeing to attend tonight’s mixer, he turns to Trina and says, “I’m not feeling well. I think I’ve caught a bug.”
Her eyes narrow as her jaw clenches. “You’re not going to want to miss tonight’s mixer, Tim.”
“Really? I guess I’ll just have to get back to you on that. I wouldn’t want anyone else to get sick.” As an afterthought, he adds, “I think there’s something in the contract about quarantining myself in case of illness.”
He takes my hand and pulls me toward the elevator. When we’re far enough away not to be overheard, he asks, “Can you believe the gall of that woman?”
While I should just let him carry on until he’s gotten everything out of his system, I feel compelled to say, “Maybe it’s not as bad as you think it is.”
“Did the show talk to your parents?” he asks.
“I don’t know, they haven’t called me back.”
“Would you mind if they did?”
“Not particularly. I mean, I like my parents, and I know they want what’s best for me. I can’t imagine they’d set out to embarrass me.” Before he can comment, I tell him, “As I’m sureyourparents would never embarrass you.”
“Not purposefully, no.” He sounds resigned.
“Then why are you so mad?”
The doors to the elevator open, and once we’re inside, he says, “I hate feeling like I have no control. I felt like that when my wife announced she was leaving me, and I vowed to never feel like that again.”
“Then why did you agree to come onMidwestern Matchmaker?”
“You know why,” he says. “I initially did it so Eva would know that I’ve moved on and that I’m no longer a pathetic excuse for a man.”
“Tim …” I squeeze his hand. “You’re not pathetic.”
Instead of agreeing, he pushes the button to stop the elevator, and says, “But my reasons for doing the show have changed.” Helooks down at me with serious emotion written across his face. “And a lot of that is because of you.”
“Because of our pity pact?” I venture.
“No, Paige.” He runs his fingers gently across my cheek, leaving a tingling trail of yearning behind. “Because ofyou.” His eyes smolder with intent as his gaze devours mine. It’s like he can see my very soul, rendering me helpless as he pulls me into his orbit. I couldn’t look away if my life depended on it.
My stomach drops like I’ve just fallen from a fifty-story building as Tim leans toward me. His lips ever-so-gently meet mine causing an inferno of desire to grow. This is the exact sensation I hoped his kiss would invoke. It’s the very one I feared.Does Tim kiss Cami like this? Is he kissing anyone else?
My lack of experience with the male species is due to my innate insecurity. An insecurity that has been my cross to bear much as the body brace was that I wore. And yet, I know that it’s time to shed my fears. The only way to find true love is to be willing to take a risk—even though there are no guarantees things will work out the way I want them to.
After long minutes—maybe hours, I can’t tell—Tim lifts his head. I sigh, “That was nice.”Nice? That’s the best I’ve got?Kissing Tim was phenomenal, outstanding, exhilarating, and potentially life changing.
His voice is gravelly and full of promise. “That was lovely.” A new wave of chills runs through me. Tim Ferris just kissed me, and it was every bit as thrilling as I used to dream of it being when we were in high school.Yes, I dreamed about him.
Tim starts the elevator again. When the doors open, I realize we’ve been here for a while. Once we step out, I try to get our conversation back on track. “So, to recap, you don’t care about revenge anymore, and you’re seriously trying to find love.”