Page 71 of The Last Heir
“Someday, I’ll tell him all about it. He’s going to be so mad at what I did, but he’ll forgive me once he hears how this story ends. He loved you very much. And he trusted me to protect you. I…Do you forgive me, Fayette? Truly?”
I sniffled, wiping the tear that slid free. I kissed his cheek, pulling back to meet his gaze.
“I do.”
“That seems to be your phrase for the day. You’ll forgive me again if I head out now?”
“Please, get some rest. It’d make me feel better. I’ll see you again when I return.”
“Yes. When you return.”
One of Aimon’s arms slid around me while he switched to French, speaking something to Charles that made him laugh.
“We’ll see you when we return, Grandfather. Sleep well.”
“I will. Better than ever.”
As Aimon led me down the winding path towards the house, I couldn’t stop looking up towards him. His hair was slicked back, and his features were pronounced with the suit. Aimon looked like he could take over the world with one word. He was power and cruel beauty with his devilish smile. The happiest day of my life was quickly turning into one I couldn’t process.
“Are you sure you don’t want a reception? I think—” He stopped talking and slowed as his eyes swept over me. “Fay, what’s wrong? Are you okay?”
An answer evaded me as I tried to increase our speed. I wanted to run from the chaos that was suffocating my mind. To flee from all these hypothetical ghosts.
“I’m fine.” I turned to look behind for Charles. They hadn’t made it far. People were stopped, crowding in to talk to him. More was collecting by the second.
“You’re not.” Aimon brought us to a stop, placing his hands on my satin-covered arms. The high neckline was making it impossible to swallow. I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. “You can talk to me about anything. What is it? Are you regretting your decision? Is it the baby?”
“No, no.” Again, I looked to the strangers we had left behind. “I’m fine. It’s just…” I took in how tired Charles was. People continued talking, but I could clearly see he wasn’t up for the conversation. He was barely hanging on, nodding, with his eyes half-closed. The only reason he was out of bed was for us. For this wedding. “We can’t leave, Aimon. I don’t want to leave. Charles needs us.” I broke from his hold, my heart racing as I took a step back to see his confusion. “He needs us now. Right now.”
Aimon’s head turned and the pause was quickly followed by a nod. “I guess I hadn’t noticed. I was so focused on you. I could tell something was wrong, but I thought it was your nerves. His discomfort truly worries you.”
“It does. I can’t stand it. We don’t have long.” I held in the sobs, holding back the tears that were threatening to break free.
“Don’t be upset. We’ll stay.” He turned towards Charles, holding out his arm for me to take. “Shall we go get him?”
Our return drew attention, but I didn’t care about anyone but Aimon’s grandfather. He was more alert at our arrival, smiling, but barely.
“Did you forget something?”
I nodded, letting go of Aimon as I placed my hand out. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but we did forget something. Are you ready to go inside, Master Charles?”
His hand slid through mine as his smile grew. “You’re a goddess. I’m ready, my lady.”
“My lady, now,” Aimon said, winking and nodding to him before moving his gaze to Parker. “Why don’t you take them in. I’ll show the guests out.”
“Will do, Master Aimon.”
I reached my free hand towards my husband. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you.”
Charles squeezed into my palm as we headed back down the winding paths of the gardens. Silence was golden, and I was content to keep our connection. He was already nodding off, his eyes barely opening as we reached the large glass doors. When the guard opened the barrier, Charles slid his hand free, allowing me inside first.
“You saved me out there.”