Page 72 of The Last Heir
“I know,” I smiled. “You saved me, too. And Aimon.”
“I know. Seems we’re even now.”
Parker pushed him inside, pausing outside the elevator.
“I want you two to have the best honeymoon possible. Don’t worry about a thing. This will all be here when you return.”
“I’m sure it will.” I glanced around the large, opened area, taking in the pedestal statues and art adorning the walls. “But we won’t be leaving. It’s safer to stay. I’m feeling awfully tired, myself, and Aimon and I think it’s best not to put any stress on Lucia. We’ll take a trip after she’s born. There’s no rush.”
Charles’s brow crinkled as he slowly began to nod. “Safety always comes first. You’re learning well. Shall we ride up to the second floor together, then?”
“Being as the stairs are now forbidden, I would love that.”
“Aimon’s orders?”
The door opened and I stepped into the elevator with them, watching it close as we began to go up.
“His plea. I promised I wouldn’t take them anymore. He’s worried about a fall. It’s best not to take the risk.”
“Yes, of course. The marble can be hazardous. I’ll have someone come in and put down a covering over them for the future. No more stairs though until after the baby.” Charles let out a deep breath. “I’m glad he thought of that. I didn’t. He’ll take good care of you. He loves you. Everyone can see that.”
I nodded just as the door opened. I went out first, waiting as Parker pushed him through.
“I love him too, you know.”
“Of course I do. It’s in your eyes. You watch him. You adore him, which is also why I know Lucia is only the first in a grand new line of Carmelo’s. Try for four, Fayette. You can’t go wrong with a full house. More kids are more laughter. More love. More trouble, yes,” he said, shrugging, “but it's worth it. Have as many as you can. They grow faster than you know.”
“I’ll try.”
“Don’t try. Do.” He gestured to Parker, his eyes still gazing into mine. “I’m off to bed. Have a great wedding night. Relax by the pool. Walk through the Carmelo gallery and let Aimon tell you our family history. Make him take you to the new edition in the back room. That part’s important for both of you. He hasn’t seen it yet. I think the two of you will find it rather informative. It’s my gift to you. I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
“Rest well, Master Charles. I’ll be by to see you before dinner.”
“You will not. This old man wants to finally rest. I’m so tired I could sleep for days; and I have no plans of being woken up. The Carmelo legacy and title are secure. My promise is fulfilled. Everything couldn’t have worked out any better. I’m going to sleep like a rock. I suggest you do the same while you still can.”
Chapter 24
Married. I still almost couldn’t believe Fayette was my wife—my partner for life. And for life she would be. There was no divorce with Carmelos’. Not if we could help it. And I was good with that. I couldn’t fathom not being with Fay. I’d already missed months of not having her with me. It was the worst thing imaginable. Now, I’d never have to worry about being separated again.
“No, I’m cancelling.” I paused as an old friend walked up. “That’s right Fred, we’re staying here. We won’t be needing the jet. Thanks.”
I hung up, reaching out to shake the hand of Henry DeSantes, the owner of Plexus Corp.
“Beautiful wedding, Aimon. Your wife, wow. You did good.”
“I’m lucky.” I smiled, glancing towards the house. “I can’t thank you enough for coming on such short notice. As you could probably tell, my grandfather isn’t doing so well. Fayette and I wished to be married as soon as possible.”
“I completely understand. I’m sorry. I wasn’t aware Charles was so sick. If there’s been any buzz about Carmelo, it’s been about you. No one knew what happened until your meeting with Lou. It’s like you disappeared off the radar. I can see now that he wasn’t exaggerating on why you did.”
I laughed, shrugging. “It’s been a crazy, few months.”
“Tell me about it. A wife, a baby, and you bought a dealership? Did I hear that right?”
“I did. I love cars, but you know that. I have ideas away from Carmelo. Not that I won’t still be available here. I just plan to give Fayette a role to play as well. She’s brilliant, did you know that? A double major and smarter than me, by far. Carmelo is more her passion. I’ll oversee her progress and be right by her side to help. Plus, we have the teams set up. It’ll work out great. That way I can do my own projects as well.”
Henry gripped my shoulder. “I’m so happy for you. If your sights are on the auto industry, I’m damn interested to see what you plan to do with it. And a car. I want one of your cars.”