Page 25 of Christmas of Love
I chuckled, lifting my beer. “And there’s always this.”
He nodded. “I do seem to make women I hang around do that more. Just ask my mom.”
I laughed, shaking my head. “Hey, how is she? I haven’t seen her around recently.”
Hunter groaned, putting his forehead into his hands. “Don’t get me started. They found the cruise life, and it’s hard to find a two-week period where they’re actually in town.”
“I’ve heard that about cruising.” I thought back to my mom. She’d always wanted to take a cruise. There were a lot of things she’d wanted to do, but then my world imploded. I took a bite of another ravioli. “I’d be up for camping in a trailer or RV. That would be fun. Don’t get me wrong. Foxy is a great companion, but it can get cold in a tent by myself.”
“You really go camping by yourself?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Sometimes, I can wrangle my cousin Jackson to go with me, but not so much now that he’s married.”
Hunter nodded. “You could always invite me.”
I felt that charge run through us again, and I slowly took another breath.
This wasn’t the Hunter Knox I'd promised myself to walk away from.
This Hunter Knox undid every single cell in my body and made me think about a future different from what I had now.
And that scared me.
Chapter Six
The electricity running between Daisy and me wasn’t just intense. It was otherworldly, and I didn’t understand it.
I knew I had a crush on her from last year, but every second I stayed with her, a frenzy of emotion stirred up that confused every rational thought I had.
Starting with… she lived in Buttercup Lake.
I lived in Madison, where I ran a business that needed me.
But we’d stopped decorating the tree long ago, talking nonstop while polishing off the snacks, and when I looked outside, I couldn’t believe what I saw.
“Daisy, it’s dark outside.”
Her jaw dropped, and she giggled.
That sound would never get old.
“I can’t believe you’ve been here for so long.” She stood from the couch, and the pillow she’d been holding toppled to the carpet. “You need to get out more because I’m really not that interesting.”
“And the tree isn’t even finished,” I added. “You know, I don’t feel good leaving until we finish.”
I stood from the couch, and as I bent over to pick up the pillow, she tripped over my arm.
Daisy gasped as she tumbled into my arms.
I dropped the pillow and pulled her upright to avoid her crashing into the tree.
Holding her in my arms made my entire body respond.
“I’m such a klutz,” she muttered, looking into my eyes.
But I didn’t let go.