Page 26 of Christmas of Love
“Daisy, you’re so damn beautiful.”
Her smile grew as she shook her head. “I think that third beer went straight to your head.”
My arms looped around her waist as I looked into her eyes. Daisy’s gaze dropped to my mouth.
Now was the time…
I had to kiss her.
Ding! Dong!
Her expression fell.
“Were you expecting someone?” I asked, letting her go.
She shook her head and shrugged. “Nope. Not a soul.”
I walked over to the door with her as she opened it to see a small group of young kids with their parents standing behind them.
They immediately burst into caroling as Daisy knelt down to get a better view of the little ones belting outJingle Bells.
She glanced at me over her shoulder as I rested my hand on her. There was something magical about the entire moment, and it really highlighted how much I missed the simple things. The hustle and bustle of the city had worn on me, but I think the relationship that left so many residual elements in my life weighed even heavier.
Everything about Daisy calmed me. She put her hand on mine and squeezed it softly as my fingers rested on her shoulder.
After the kids finished the last line ofJingle Bells, Daisy hopped up and started wildly clapping. I spotted a box of candy canes on a table, and Daisy followed my gaze with a nod. I tore open the box and held them out for the kids, who happily took one each.
We waved to their cold, brave parents as they all proceeded to the next house while Daisy softly closed the door.
“They were so cute,” she nearly squealed.
I nodded, thinking about how amazing it would be to have kids one day. I always knew I wanted them, but wanting them was the easy part. Trying to find someone to have that journey with was completely different.
“I should probably head out. I’ve taken up enough of your day,” I told her, even though I never wanted to leave.
“Did the kids give you hives?” she teased.
I shook my head, laughing. “Believe it or not, I love kids. I want a whole gaggle running around someday.”
Her eyes locked on mine. “I never would have guessed.”
I nodded. “What about you?”
“I’ve always hoped to have at least two someday, but I’d love three or four.”
“I grew up in a busy house, and I miss it.”
She nodded. “Me too.”
“You have siblings?”
Sadness darted through her gaze, and she cleared her throat. “Um… no, but I…” Daisy’s eyes met mine. “I had lots of cousins.”
A strain tangled through the air between us, and I nodded. “Well, kids add a lot to any house.”
She nodded, smiling. The sadness slid from her gaze as fast as it had come.
“Anyway, I’ll be staying for dinner before you know it, so I should be on my way.”