Page 19 of The Dragon's Rose
After finishing watering the garden last night, blatantly ignoring Malix who took it upon himself to hover over me the entire time, despite the fact I was—am—angry with him.
When I hugged Mina goodnight, I half expected Malix to follow me into his room. After all, it belonged to him and he has every right to be in here, but he stopped at the end of the hallway, making sure I got into the room safely. After I shut the door, I’m not sure where Malix went.
A knock on the door has me groaning. I expect my visitor to be Mina—she promised we would meet up again today—but it isn’t the female dragon that walks through the door.
It’s Malix.
And I’m extremely aware that I hadn’t been able to find anything suitable for sleep last night, since my nightgowns haven’t been restocked yet, and I wound up in bed naked.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I scramble to pull the sheets up, not wanting to give him full access to my boobs. Jerk doesn’t deserve to see them.
“I was hoping you were awake.” Oblivious to my nudity, or just not caring, Malix moves to sit at the edge of the bed, body turned toward me.
I hate to admit that he looks good, damn good, in his black pants, which stretch across his thighs in a way that should be illegal. His white, buttoned shirt is only partially buttoned, allowing me glimpses of the muscular, tan skin underneath.
It would be a lot easier if my husband was ugly. Then my traitorous body wouldn’t demand his touch.
“I wanted to apologize for my absence.”
Of all the things I expect for him to say, that isn’t one. Malix doesn't seem like a guy who apologizes to anyone, especially those with less power than him.
I ask the burning question that has been eating me up inside since the day we shared our first kiss and he walked away from me. “Why did you agree to marry me if you don’t want anything to do with me? Is your plan to keep me in the dark?”
The role of queen was thrust onto me the moment Malix married me, but it feels like a title with no responsibility or purpose. Feeling useless is the worst feeling when you spend your entire life trying to be useful to those around you.
Malix’s silence is confirmation he isn’t as ready to talk as he presented.
“You know what, never mind. If you’re not interested in figuring out how I’m supposed to help you keep your kingdom from crumbling then neither am I.”
My lack of clothes is the last thing on my mind as I fling off the covers, determined to put some distance between us. I make it approximately five steps before I’m being hauled back and pressed to a firm chest.
Malix’s touch is scorching hot on my bare skin. His eyes darken and a soft growl leaves his lips. “Do you always sleep naked, wife?”
I shouldn’t be wet for a man that has been avoiding me at every turn and not forthcoming when it comes to information, but goddamn, I’m only human. A fucking horny human who hasn’t been with a man in over a year. Longer really, since toward the end of our relationship, Stefan and I rarely had sex.
“Only when I can’t find something to sleep in, husband,” I spit. “You also didn’t get me any panties.’
For the first time since I arrived, Malix smiles. And, oh fuck, if it isn’t the hottest thing I have ever seen. If I had panties, they would be soaked. Frowning Malix is sexy, but smiling Malix is devastatingly irresistible.
“Yes, I’ll thank my maids for that little oversight.” Then he drinks me in unabashedly.
His eyes trail down the curves of my body and it’s like an invisible hand caresses each part he views. I’ve been with men before, but none of them have ever looked at me the way Malix is currently looking at me. Like he would worship me if I asked him to.
“If this is how you accept apologies, then I foresee many apologies in my future.”
Despite myself, my cheeks burn. “I didn’t say I accepted your apology.” My voice comes out more breathless than I want it to, only deepening Malix’s smirk.
“No, I suppose you didn’t. And what can I do to make my wife accept my apology?” He’s so close to me now, his lips hovering inches from mine. Having him this close is distracting, especially when he dips his head and brushes his lips against my neck. Not quite a kiss, but not accidental either.
“Perhaps there are other ways I can show you just how sorry I am.”
It would be so easy to give in to him, so easy to shut my brain off and just feel. Let our bodies do the talking for once.
But I know that he’s trying to distract me and it’s working pretty damn good. I put my hands against his chest and I feel him growl in response. Then, with all the strength I can muster, I push him off.
Malix stumbles back, more out of surprise than my ability to over power him. I grab the sheet and wrap it around my body, hiding from his view. “If you want me to forgive you, then fucking talk to me. Don’t try to distract me with sex.”
To his credit, Malix doesn’t look insulted…just resigned. Perhaps fucking people into oblivion has been his way to deal with people in the past, but it isn’t going to work with me.