Page 20 of The Dragon's Rose
But it almost did.
“I’ll make you a deal, Rose.”
I roll my eyes. “Yeah well, my last deal isn’t turning out so great, so forgive me if I’m hesitant.”
He ignores the clear jab directed at him. “I will tell you about the reasons I’ve been so distracted, if you agree to tell me the reason you agreed to this deal in the first place.”
Information for information. It’s a powerful tool to have in one’s arsenal and one that can be used to blackmail another if the information presented is good enough. Not that I believe Malix would do that, but there is a certain vulnerability in the truth and I’m not sure if I’m ready to face that.
I also don’t have much of a choice, not if I want to live longer than a few weeks here. There is really only one option.
“Good. Get dressed and meet me in the dining hall for breakfast. We have a lot to discuss.”
Chapter 12
My control is slipping. I am holding on by a tether but the ends are frayed and threatening to break at any moment. That was never more evident than in what happened in my room only moments ago.
Rose is naked. Naked. And in my bed. The moment the sheet came down and she tried to walk away from me, I was no longer in control of my body. I had her there and I was so close to saying fuck it and taking her right then and there.
I couldn’t deny this pull I have for her, one that Ender said would be there, but I hadn’t believed him. I should have known better than to doubt him. Yet here I am, doubting the people who want to help me and pushing them away. This has become the rule these days, not the exception.
The doors to the dining hall open and my wife is there—fully clothed—but looking nervous. Though I miss the tempting curves laying in wait underneath the dress, I can’t help but notice she unknowingly chose my favorite color. Green. It compliments her hair and brings out the flecks of golden brown in her eyes.
She doesn’t attempt to greet me as she walks in and I take a certain satisfaction in the look on her face when she realizes the only set spot at the table is the one directly next to me. It’s not the best placement for conversation, but it allows me access to her.
Rose settles in next to me and we fall into a companionable silence as the kitchen staff brings out an array of breakfast items including an assortment of meats, eggs, and fruits. A sweet wine is poured for us and then we are blissfully alone.
Rose peers at me from under her dark lashes and then busies herself with her cutlery when she notices I’m staring at her.
“Are you going to speak or do you plan on staring at me the whole time?” she asks, taking her first bite of the spinach, egg, and cheese omelet the staff prepared.
“I think I’ll do that later.”
This is the first time she has said my name and even in annoyance, it’s the sweetest sound I’ve heard in a long time. I want to pull it from her lips when I’m buried to the hilt inside of her.
“You promised me answers. I’m only here because I’m curious.”
“You want to know the threat to Dragon’s Keep.” It wasn’t a question, but she nods all the same.
“Then you need to understand the beginning. In the early days of our settlement, our biggest threats were creatures known as Nephilim. Giant creatures set on destroying everything in their wake. They strive to create a world of chaos.”
“So these Nephilim, are they still around?” Rose discards her fork, angling her body to give me her full attention. Her white corset pushes her ample chest up, and I force my gaze to stay on hers.
“Yes”—I nod—“though not in the way they once were. It took decades to get to a place where the rulers of Mescos could finally entrap them. My father was leading the group?—”
“Were you there?” She cuts me off and something akin to worry crosses her features.
“No, little dragon, it was before my time.” My words ease the tension from her body and she gestures for me to continue. “The six rulers managed to trick and trap the Nephilim within the mountains, but not before their leader, Gadreel, cursed our kingdoms and destroyed the only portal between our world and the human world.”
“Curse you? What did he curse you with? Is this why you agreed to marry me because you think I can somehow help you break this curse?”
“That’s complicated.”