Page 51 of The Dragon's Rose
It never crossed my mind that Ender would offer the same deal to the rest of the rulers of Mescos that he did for me, but I can’t say I’m surprised. The Guardian works in mysterious ways and I yearn to know what his role in all of this is. What does he get from helping us?
It’s a question I can’t possibly answer right now. Not when other pressing matters demand my attention.
“What is it you called us here to discuss, Dragon?” the fae king, Niko, asks. Niko possesses a terrifying beauty. It is what makes all fae so dangerous. People tend to underestimate the deadly creatures, but I have heard stories of Niko ripping people who wronged him limb from limb. Out of all the rulers here, Niko is the one I know the least about. He keeps his secrets close, wearing them like armor.
Everyone’s attention is on me now. Five of the most powerful creatures in our world await my next words. Instead of intimidation, I feel power, and I soak it up.
“The Nephilim have started to escape their imprisonment.”
My words are followed by hushed curses, from all except Allarick. His people are close to the Nephilim’s imprisonment site, so my news doesn’t shock him.
“And what of Gadreel?” Taivan, the pixie king asks. His translucent wings flutter behind him, looking angry in their own right.
“The last we checked, Gadreel was still imprisoned.”
“And how long ago was that?” Rip asks.
“Almost six days,” I say easily. It’s not good news and I don’t like sharing it, but these men have a right to know what’s going on. My people might take the brunt of their attack, but none of their territories are safe either.
“I’m down dragons?—”
“What do you mean you’re down dragons?” Allarick cuts me off and narrows his eyes at me.
I haven’t told them about the curse. None of the other kingdoms speak about how the Nephilim’s magic is affecting their kingdom. Perhaps out of shame or something else entirely, but I wasn’t ready to disclose that problem yet. And now it seems inevitable, so I explain the curse wreaking havoc in my kingdom. About the sleeping dragons, but I leave out Rose’s involvement with it. I’m not ready to share her with the others yet.
“So you’re telling us that our first line of attack has dwindled in numbers?” There’s anger in Rip’s voice, but I don’t know if the wolf’s anger is with me or with the situation.
I tense, but nod briskly. “Unfortunately, so. Even if we were at my full numbers, we wouldn’t have the capacity to take the entirety of the Nephilim down. Each one of you should be prepared for destruction and war.”
“We suffer because of your inability to keep your people safe,” Niko says flatly. I don’t realize how tense my body goes until Vivia reaches for my arm, giving me a warning squeeze. I slowly deflate, letting the anger ease out of me.
Before I can answer, Rip speaks up. “His people aren’t the only ones cursed. It has reached my lands too.” Rip doesn’t elaborate what he means by that, and no one asks him. Clearly he’s not ready to give that information up. “So, it’s only a matter of time before your lands are cursed, if they aren’t already.”
“Fucking hell,” Allarick curses.
“So, what does this mean?” Oziel addresses the group. I rarely see the demon without his usual smirk, but right now he’s frowning. If I didn’t know any better, I would think the demon king is rattled by the news.
“That means prepare your warriors over the upcoming days and weeks. The Nephilim are nearing my border as we speak and if I can’t strengthen my wards soon, more Nephilim will cross and make their way over to your lands.”
There is no good outcome. Even if we win the battle and the Nephilim are pushed out of my kingdom, the others will still have to face the enemy and defend their homes. The Nephilim will continue to look for weaknesses in our land, meaning every kingdom is vulnerable to their attacks and must hold their own.
“You’ve given us a lot to think about, Dragon,” Niko says.
“And none of it good,” Tavian mutters.
“No, none of it good,” I agree, “but all important. You see why I needed to meet and why this information had come directly from the source? We do not want to prematurely alarm our people. We need them to believe in our victory.” There couldn’t be any other way.
“We need to keep our lines of communication open.” I look at Allarick. He’s the only one with easy access to everyone’s kingdoms.
The kraken king notices me staring and sighs. “I suppose I will be your messenger boy. But those things I asked for? Double it,” he says. I nod, knowing I can provide the clothes and supplies he needs.
“Are we done here?” Rip asks. “I need to return to my pack and prepare.”
“We are, for now. Be vigilant and wait for further communication,” I say and feel the weight of not only my kingdom, but the entirety of Mescos, on my shoulders.
I can’t fail.
Rip is the first to leave. He shifts right before us, turning into his large, gray dire wolf, and sprints away. Taivan is the next to go, his wings carrying him out of sight in minutes. The rest simply take off on foot, having other means to get home.