Page 52 of The Dragon's Rose
Allarick lingers once everyone else is gone. Only once we are alone does he speak. “I will send someone soon. Make sure you have the items I requested.”
“For your new wife?” He doesn’t confirm or deny it, but I know that to be the reason. I wonder what Ender promised Allarick.
“We will speak again soon. Please don’t get us all killed.”
Absolutely no pressure.
“I’ll do my best,” I say as Allarick nods once and then disappears into the water.
Vivia is at my side, pulling my attention to her. “We’ve done what we came to do. Now let's go home.”
Nothing sounds better. I nod and without another word, I let the switch transform my body and I take to the skies.
I’m coming back, Rose.
Chapter 27
Ilost count after twenty awakened dragons.
That was two days ago.
At least I think that was two days ago. Time is meaningless in this damp cellar. The only marking I have for the passage of time is when Otis delivers meals twice a day. One I presume is breakfast because it’s usually some oatmeal and fruit and a dinner meal consisting of dry chicken and bread.
My body feels heavy and sluggish. I desperately want to sleep, to close my eyes and transport myself away from here, but every time I close my eyes, I’m startled awake by Otis. Dark circles under his eyes tell me he is just as tired as me, but I hold no sympathy for my captor.
As much as I worry about my body failing me, I worry for Mina more. She hasn’t recovered from the deep slashes of Otis’s talons. The blood has crusted over, but her eye is swollen shut and she still favors her right side. Otis and Aeron insist on keeping her in chains to weaken her, which I know is halting the healing process.
Despite the obvious pain she’s in, Mina has smiled and supported me through each awakening. Even when I was in tears due to the lack of sleep and the strain this is putting on my body, Mina held me and made sure I was comforted. I don’t deserve her. Not after all the pain I caused.
My eyelids flutter closed as another dragon thrashes to life. Before the awakened dragon gains their bearings, Otis swoops in and ushers them away. I’m not sure where they are taking these newly awakened dragons nor do I know who is helping them through this transitional period, but I hope they are receiving the care they need.
With the hatchling gone, I move closer to the wall and slide down. I let my head fall back and try to pretend that my body isn’t revolting against me.
Mina is by my side in seconds, pressing the back of her hand against my forehead. “You’re warm.”
I murmur something indecipherable and hear Mina curse. “Water. You need water,” she says, reaching for the canister of room-temperature water Otis so graciously supplied us with.
Mina brings the canister to my lips and I drink. Even that minuscule task takes a Herculean effort. “Why are you doing this?” I ask when she pulls away. My voice is hoarse and weak.
“What do you mean?” Mina genuinely looks confused.
“Helping me. Why?” Still, she doesn’t seem to understand why I would ask this question, so I elaborate. “I got you hurt and captured. This is all my fault.”
“Oh, Rose.” She sighs softly, moving to sit next to me. I don’t miss her wince as she adjusts herself as comfortably as one can when still in chains. “This isn’t your fault. This is the fault of a simple-minded man in search of power. He will get what’s coming for him.”
“You truly believe that? But what if he hurts Vivia? Or Malix?” My heart sinks to the pit of my stomach. If anything happened to Malix because he was trying to save me…how could I ever forgive myself? Or if my friend’s mate died because of me?—
“Stop it. I can see you spiraling,” Mina says, resting her hand on mine. I wonder what I look like to her right now. Pale as a ghost and scared out of my mind, probably. “Our mates' lives are threatened almost daily. I think Aeron is in for the fight of his life when they return, no matter what he claims to have up his sleeve. Vivia and Malix will persevere. We can’t afford to think any other way.”
She’s right. Thinking of Malix as hurt or dead will cause me to spiral into a darkness I’m not sure I’m strong enough to pull myself out of.
We fall into silence, our heads moving to rest against one another. It’s the only comfort we can offer each other, but it’s enough.
I’m not sure how long we sit there—long enough for Otis to leave with the hatchling and come back with a new fire in his eyes. He takes one look at the both of us and snarls, “This isn’t break time, My Queen.” He throws out my title like a dull sword, useless in practice, but pretty in name. “Get back to work. Aeron is growing impatient.”
Because he was so patient before, I think, but don’t voice.