Page 153 of Court of Beasts
I veer from the other females, going deeper than most others as I hear howls go up, meaning the males are giving chase. Before, I would run as fast as I could, dodging and outlasting them all night, and I know my mates will have some competition—after all, no male wolf can give up on an unmated female, especially an alpha.
Their wolves will demand it unless they have already chosen one.
I hear crashing behind me, so I drop my head, moving faster, knowing they have caught my scent. Not too far off, there is a howl of agony, and I know someone got in the way of my men. They might be trying to fit in with my pack during the day as humans, but tonight, they are pure beasts, and whoever gets in their way will suffer.
The thrill that gives me has my wolf wanting to call out to them, to see them spill blood for her, but I swallow it back and splash through the creek, obscuring my scent, before I burst out of the other side.
Catch me if you can, hunters.
My muzzle already drips with blood. A male wolf was too daring, trying to follow us as we pursued Quinn, so I simply showed him that was a bad idea. He limps back to the pack as I turn and run, following my mate’s scent trail.
Dom took us aside this morning and gave us the rundown on tonight, telling us every law and taking us around pack land, so we knew exactly where we were going to hunt our woman.
Did she think we would not claim her?
She is ours, and tonight, we will show the world and her that.
Fuck history. Tonight, we solidify the future.
We track her to the stream—clever girl—and then over to the other side. We lose her scent there, but using our hunting skills, we notice little traces she cannot hide, like the partially bent leaves leading away.
I nod left at Lucien, then right at Jai. They branch out, and I head straight. We will corner her. I know she won’t go down without a fight, but that doesn’t matter. She is strong, but she’s fighting not to be mated, and we are fighting to make her ours.
We will win.
Her trail picks up again, but we spot a smaller black wolf darting through the foliage, no doubt on her trail. My lipspeel back in a snarl, aimed directly at the one who thinks he can hunt my mate. There is no rationality here, only feelings—possessiveness, lust, and anger.
Lucien is there.
The wolf lets out a sharp whine as Lucien bites his tail, and when he turns, Lucien bites his neck, taking him to the ground and pinning him until he whines in defeat. Standing, Lucien shakes out his fur and slinks back through the forest as I focus on my mate’s trail.
I don’t hear any other wolf in the vicinity, and I’m grateful for that because my patience is wearing thin, and if another one comes between my mate and me, I might just go too far. My brothers and I create a net she cannot slip past and then double back. Up here, the cliffs are to our left, so she cannot go that way, and we might have set some traps farther right. About ten minutes later, we hear her snarl as she almost triggers one.
That’s our girl. She’s figuring out we’ve been busy little hunters.
These big bad hunters want their wolf, and we are going to get her.
We are getting closer now, as she’s forced to slow down to check for traps, and she can no doubt hear us making noise in the brush behind her, letting her know we are here. Anticipation fills me, my bloodlust turning to desire as my wolf bays for its mate.
There’s a snap up ahead that tells me she triggered another trap, and I know exactly which one. Moments later, we are in the clearing, and she stands there, growling with her teeth bared, the wooden cage trapping her.
She changes back suddenly, standing as a human, and glares at us through the bars. “This is cheating,” she hisses.
I change back too, walking towards her. I grip her chin through the slats, my other hand sliding down her body andforcing her thighs apart so I can grip her pussy. She’s wet, and she pants, grinding into my hand as I grin at her.
“We’re hunters, baby. We cheat,” I murmur as I squeeze her. “So give up and let me have this.”
“You want me?” She leans in, licking my chin as I groan. “Then you’ll have to do much better than that.” Suddenly, she is gone, and her wolf lunges through the bars. One of her fangs drags along my arm, making me chuckle. The shallow wound bleeds, but as I change back to my wolf, it heals.
The rope holding the bars together snaps as she throws herself at it, and then she’s gone, darting off into the forest with us hot on her heels. She’s so fucking fast that it makes me proud, but we are strong, and we are not losing her.
We will wear her down and hunt her over every inch of this land, and just before the sun comes up, I’ll feel that sweet pussy gripping my cock as she screams my name for all of her pack to hear.
She’s pulling away, but little does our she-wolf know, she is running directly where we want her to. We knew she would get free. Quinn would never give up that easily, nor do we want her to.