Page 154 of Court of Beasts
She is an alpha, and she has survived this long on her wits and strength.
She is worth fighting for, and tonight, we are showing her that. We are showing her there is nowhere she can run where we won’t follow.
She is ours.
She speeds up, which I didn’t think was possible, and zigzags through the forest. She knows this land better than us, and I worry we missed something, even though we spent all day mapping it out and setting our traps. After our talk with Dom, we realised we needed to be both wolf and hunter tonight to catch our alpha.
She swerves back into our path, and I breathe easier as we chase her, my head down and legs pounding the earth. I feel a freedom I have never experienced before. Adrenaline and desire wars with my wolf’s happiness to be running, to be hunting.
I’m just starting to tire when she swerves to avoid the dead end we are herding her towards, but when she finds the net hanging down, she backs away, snarling as she spins, eyeing the cliff edge as if debating climbing it before turning to us.
The mountains stand at her back, and she’s trapped, but trapping an animal, especially Quinn, only makes them more dangerous. We know that all too well, so we spread out.
She lowers her head, ready to attack.
She will fight us until the bitter end.
Jesus, I love this woman.
I’m going to show her how much right up until sunrise.
If they think backing me into their trap will work, then they should have known better. Silly hunters.
There are three of them, so I make a quick plan, and when Jai lunges at me like I knew he would, since he’s still partly feral, I leap over him, landing on a red boulder. When Lucien heads my way, I hop over him, heading towards the forest, but Vale is there, hanging back, and he nips my side when I try to race past, spinning me back to the other two as they close in on me.
They have another thing coming if they think I’m not going down without a fight. Lucien lunges, and I swipe at his muzzle, drawing blood. He growls and smacks my ass with his paw as Jai nips my tail. I whirl and bite his side, making him yip as he falls back to avoid me taking a chunk of him with me.
Vale takes that moment to nip my ass, and I spin, trying to keep them all in sight, but it’s no use. Lucien hits my side, nudging me towards the rock, and even when I snap at him, he’s gone. Between them, they manage to back me into the rock.
Jai mounts me, and I kick him off. Lucien grips my muzzle in his mouth, stopping me from biting. I whine and swipe out, but then Vale takes me to the ground, one paw on my chest. He’stoo strong, but I buck and twist, kicking and whining, cutting my muzzle on Lucien’s teeth.
Jai is there again, mounting me, and I kick out, scratching him when his teeth dig into my neck, pinning me. He growls as he mounts me, ragging at my neck until I whine, but I still don’t submit.
Jai’s voice comes, and human teeth dig into my neck. “Submit so we can claim you, Quinny.”
Snarling, I kick him, but he holds on even as a human, his teeth ripping at my fur until he groans at the taste of my blood. “Or keep fighting, it’s making me hard.”
Vale’s paw digs in deeper as Lucien’s muzzle tightens.
They are tired of playing.
With an angry whine, I finally submit. I have no other choice.
I slump into the dirt. Lucien’s muzzle loosens, and Vale’s paw lifts, and then I lunge, biting Lucien’s leg. I hit him as Vale tackles me, and suddenly, I’m on my back with my belly in the air, his muzzle around my throat so firmly, I cannot move or I’ll die.
It’s a threat and a promise.
My mate has had enough of my fighting.
“Change, now,” Jai commands. I look over to see him standing naked, blood on his lips and red dust covering him from the mountain. I roll back to look up at Vale, wanting to fight, but even as an alpha, I know I can’t.
I’m caught. I’m theirs.
I shift back, and his mouth constricts, gently holding my human throat.
Jai is the only one in human form, and before I can even groan, his hands are on my thighs, shoving them apart, and then he slams into me. My scream echoes around the land and in Vale’s mouth as he purrs.