Page 13 of Forbidden Desire
“Hey, sweetheart—take it off!”Oneof them called.
“Yeah—take off your panties and let us see that sweet little cunt!” another one joined in.
Andthen one of them reached up and caught her—snagged the side of her panties—and yanked.
Delilahgasped as the thin lace string gave way and her panties went slithering down to her ankles.Theseven-inch heels of her boots got tangled in the stretchy fabric and she went down—barely managing to hang onto the pole with one hand as she did.
Theman who had grabbed her panties and yelled for her to show her pussy was on her in a flash.Hemust have been drunk, becauseIknew this kind of behavior wasn’t usually tolerated.Heactually crawled up on the stage with her and started to paw at her naked body!
Thatwas it—my paralysis broke andIwas striding up to the stage, covering the distance in less time than it takes to tell.
Delilahwas struggling with the drunk, crying for help as she tried to fend off his seeking hands.Hewas grabbing one of her bare breasts and doing his best to pry open her thighs so he could get to her pussy, practically drooling as he did so.
Isaw red—Imean thatliterally.Itwas like a bloody curtain dropped over my vision and every part of me—including theWolfinside me—wanted nothing more than to rip out the fucking throat of the man who was trying to hurt my little sister.Delilahwasmine,damn it, andIwould kill anyone who touched her!
“Getoff her, you asshole!”Igrowled, grabbing him by the back of his collar and hauling him off the stage.
“Wha—?”Hiseyes rolled up to look at me, confusion and irritation on his face. “Lemmego, man—Iwasn’t doin’ nothing!”Heprotested.
“Yes, you fucking were!”Icould feel myself wanting toShift—as aWolfIcould rip out his throat with my teeth—that was whatIwantedto do.
Instead,Ipulled out myGlockand shoved it under his chin.
“Youfucker!”Isnarled in his face. “That’smy little sister you were putting your hands on!”
Hiseyes widened and he was suddenly sober.
“I’msorry, man!”Hisvoice was high and panicked. “Sofucking sorry!Ididn’t know she was yours!Ididn’t mean no harm—Iswear it!”
“Iought to blow your fucking brains out!”Itold him. “AndIwould—ifIdidn’t have something else to deal with.Butyou’re not getting away without a souvenir to teach you some fucking manners.”
Iheld him by the collar and clubbed him across the side of the face with theGlock—twice.There’snothing like a good pistol-whipping to teach an asshole a lesson.ThenIshoved him down and kicked him in the ribs two or three times for good measure.Thefucker was going to remember this night for a long,longtime.
Thenand only then, when he was howling and crying and trying to crawl away from the puddle of blood and snot he was leaking all over the floor, didIre-holster my gun and turn my attention back to the stage.
Delilahwas crouched there on her knees, trying to cover herself with her arms.Hermismatched eyes were wide with fear as she stared first at me, and then at the manIhad just beaten so brutally.
Iwasn’t surprised at that look on her face—she’d never seen theAlphaside of me before.Iwas always so gentle with her—so tender—the perfect big brother.
Notany more.
Grabbingher by the arm,Ihauled her off the stage.Shestumbled and would have fallen ifIhadn’t caught her.She’snot short for a woman—she’s five foot five, which is pretty averageIthink.ButI’msix foot six and built like a bull, just like myDadwas, soIwas well able to manhandle her.
Igrabbed her and set her on her feet in the now deserted room.Theother drunk patrons had scattered when they saw whatIwas doing toDelilah’sattacker.Sowe had the place to ourselves—not that you would know it, considering the way she was still trying to cover herself.
“Stopthat!”Ipulled her arms away from her naked body, baring her luscious curves. “Youwere happy enough to parade around nude a minute ago—why are you trying to hide yourself now?”
“Becauseyou’re my big brother!”Sheflared, glaring up at me. “AndIthink you’ve made it clear how you feel about seeing me naked!Butyou know what?Fine!”
Shestopped trying to cover herself and stood up straight instead.Liftingher chin, she thrust out her full breasts letting me see her ripe nipples which were tight with fear. (Yes,Iknew she was afraid—Icould smell it on her.Thesame wayIhad smelled her fear as well as her desire when she offered herself to me that night a year ago.)Sheeven spread her legs to show me her pussy, which was now waxed and completely bare, without even a tiny patch of curls left to cover her.
Afterthat fateful night,Ihad sworn to myselfIwould never seeDelilahas anything but my little sister ever again.Butseeing her beautiful body put on display like that stirred me—Icould feel my cock getting almost painfully hard asIdrank her in.
Mybody’s reaction to her made me absolutelyfurious.
“Comehere!”Isnapped at her and took off my suit jacket.Idraped it over her naked shoulders, and wrapped it around the front of her.ThoughIwas so much bigger than her, it was still too tight to completely cover her large, bare breasts.
ThenIgrabbed her by the arm again and began towing her out of the room.