Page 14 of Forbidden Desire
“Wait!Whereare you taking me?Cole, what are you doing?”Sheexclaimed, trying to fight me. “Stopit—my set isn’t over yet!”
“Oh, it’s over.”Istopped long enough to swing her up into my arms.Itwas easier to transport her that way. “Yourentire strippingcareeris over,”Itold her. “Becauseyou’re never,everdoing that again!”
Icarried her, kicking and protesting, right out the front door of the place.Igot some wide-eyed stares from some of the other patrons and strippers but the bouncer only nodded at me asIcarried my little sister through the front door and shoved her into the back of theEscalade.
“Punchit,”ItoldKurt, as soon as we were both inside andIhad one arm firmly aroundDelilah’swaist to keep her from trying to escape.
“Uh, sure boss.”Thecar was already in motion and he dared to meet my eyes in the rearview mirror. “Whereto?”
“We’regoing back toDelilah’splace,”Isaid, knowingIcouldn’t trust myself to have her in my home. “She’sgoing to be under house arrest for a good long time while she thinks about what she’s done.”
“What?Youcan’t do that to me,Cole!”Mylittle sister protested furiously. “Ihave placesIhave to go!Whatabout my classes?”
“Whatabout them?”Isaid flatly. “Youlost your privilege to go out when you decided to misuse it by taking off your clothes in front offuckingstrangers!”
Shestarted to protest again, butIgave her such a baleful glare that she went pale and shut up.Sinkingdown into my suit jacket, she cast me a look that was half sullen/half frightened and was silent the rest of the way back to her place.
Notthat her silence cooled my anger.
Infact, the longerIconsidered the situation, the angrierIgot.Ihad excused her behavior last year becauseIcould tell she was innocent and just beginning to know her own body sexually.NowIwondered how innocent she was—and how many other males had known her body.
Ididn’t even want to think of that, butIcouldn’t help it.Theimage of the drunk asshole pulling off her panties and trying to pry his way between her thighs just wouldn’t leave my head.
Bythe time we got back to her apartment,Iwas boiling.
“Waithere—we’ll be awhile,”ItoldKurttersely as he pulled up in front of the townhouseI’dbought my little sister.Itwas an end unit and her closest neighbor was almost always inNewYork, soIknew we’d have enough privacy for whatIintended to do.
IgrabbedDelilahby the arm again and hauled her—none too gently—out of theEscalade.
“Hey, not so rough!”Sheprotested, looking up at me as she hobbled on the high heeled boots.Evenwith them on, she was no match for my height and she’d never been a match for my strength.Iwas going to give her a punishment she wouldn’t soon forget.ButfirstIhad to get her dressed—Icouldn’t trust myself when she was so naked and tempting.
“Getthe door open and get inside,”Iordered her.Delilahtried to key the code into the door lock, but her fingers were trembling.Ibrushed her hand aside and did it myself.Yes,Iknew her code.Ibought the fucking place andIkept tabs on her—though clearlyIhadn’t been watching her closely enough or she never would have gotten up to her latest misadventure.
Shestumbled inside, nearly going to her knees as she tripped over the stripper boots again.Iyanked her upright, saving her from a nasty fall and slammed the door shut behind us.ThenIturned her to face me.
“Getupstairs and change into something decent,”Itold her, biting out each word through gritted teeth. “Thenget back down here—we’re going to talk.”
Wewere going to do a hell of a lot more than talk andIthink she knew that—Icould tell by the fear in her eyes.Butonce again, she chose to be defiant.Shelifted her chin and glared.Thenshe stripped off my suit coat and threw it on the floor, as though daring me to punish her.Starknaked, she turned and marched up the stairs to her bedroom, her full ass jiggling with every step.
“Takeoff those fucking boots while you’re up there,”Ishouted. “Beforeyou break your fucking neck!”
Icould hear her cursing and rustling around in her closet as she hunted for clothes.Then, just whenIwas thinkingIwould have to go up and get her, she came back down again.
Shewas wearing a sexy little red sundress cut low—very low—in the front to show almost all of her cleavage.Ithad a short, flirty skirt that flared around the tops of her thighs and barely hid her panties.Andyes,Icould tell that she was wearing panties—albeit tiny ones—because the material was completely see-through.Bythe same token,Icould tell she wasn’t wearing a bra.Herripe nipples pressed hard against the front of the sundress, drawing my attention even whenIdidn’t want to look.
“Youmight as well still be fucking naked,”Igrowled, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into the living room. “Whybother getting dressed at all?”
“Becauseyou told me to!” she exclaimed, glaring up at me.Shehad taken off the ridiculous boots and replaced them with little, short heels that made her legs look fantastic. “Notthat you can tell me anything—Ihave my own life now, you know,” she added.
“Oh, is that what you think?Youthink you can just do anything you want—including stripping?”Idemanded. “Whathappened to you,Delilah?Youused to be soinnocent.”
“Youhappened to me,Cole!”Shesnapped back. “Youbrought me in just close enough to wake me up and make me want…and then you threw me away.”
“Ididn’t throw you away!”Igrowled. “Iput some distance between us—somemuch-neededdistance,Imight add.Orhave you forgotten that you offered to let mebreedyou?Thatyou wanted your own big brother to try and get you pregnant?”
“Ioffered you whatIthought you wanted!”Sheshouted at me. “Butit turns out youdidn’t!SoIdecided to see if someone elsedid!”
Herwords and the defiant tilt of her chin had me seeing red again.Iwas so angryIcould barely look at her—shehadto be punished!Therewas no fucking way she was getting away with sassing me like this—not to mention showing her beautiful body off to strangers down at a sleazy strip club!