Page 16 of Forbidden Desire
“Because!”Sheexclaimed. “Afteryou andI…after that night last year,Iwascurious.I…Iused a toy on myself, all right?”
“Isthat thetruth?”Ilooked down at her.
“Ibroke it myself,” she muttered, looking down at the floor. “Byaccident.”Hercheeks were flushed with shame andIcould see the humiliation in her eyes as she admitted what she’d done to herself.
“Sothe only thing inside you has been a toy?”Idemanded.Ididn’t’ know ifIquite believed her, butIwantedto.Wantedbadly to believe she was telling me the truth and that no cocks had been inside her pussy.
“Justfeel how tightIstill am inside,” she insisted. “Look, let my legs go soIcan get into a better position.Thenyou can tell.”
Warily,Ireleased her legs, half-expecting her to try to scramble off my lap.
Instead, she planted her knees on the couch cushion by my thigh.
“Youhave to let go of my hands too, for this to work,” she said, looking back at me.
Ireleased my grip on her wrists.Witha little moan, she put her hands in front of her and then braced her palms on the couch cushion on the other side.Thenshe pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, with my fingers still inside her.
“There.”Sheturned her head to look at me.Herface was flushed and she was panting. “Nowgo ahead—put…put your fingers as deep in my pussy as you want.Seehow tightIam, big brother.”
Idid as she said, thrusting two fingers deep inside her and feeling that she did, indeed, still have virginally tight inner walls.Herpussy was alsoextremelywet.Shedidn’t try to stop me—just spread her thighs wider for me asIexamined her thoroughly.
“Hmm…youdofeel tight inside,”Iadmitted at last, thoughIdidn’t withdraw my fingers.Iwasn’t quite ready to stop touching her yet.
“See?”Shepanted, looking at me again. “I…Itold you.Ihaven’t let anyone fuck me.Youdidn’t want me, soIdecidedIdidn’t want anyone else either,” she added defiantly.
“Icouldn’t have you, even ifIwanted you,”Ipointed out. “Wewould have been breaking theUnbreakableLaws—committing incest.”Ipumped slowly into her pussy with my fingers asIspoke and her cheeks got even redder.
“We’renot…not blood related,Cole,” she reminded me.Therewas a soft moan in her voice now and she was beginning to twitch her hips.Ihad the feeling that she was enjoying this little testIwas performing on her pussy more than she should.
“Thatdoesn’t matter,little sister,”Itold her. “Theadoption ceremony we had when you first came to our house makes us related byPackLaw.”
“Idon’t care aboutPackLaw!” she moaned and now she was actively riding my fingers, pressing her hips back to try and get them deeper inside her hot little cunt. “Youhear me?Idon’tcare!”
Ihad a feeling my little sister was getting close to coming—Iwas pretty sure ifIhad been able to stroke her swollen little clit, she would have gone off like a rocket, right there in my lap.Butthe angle was wrong.
Andbesides,Ishouldn’t still be doing this.Ihad learned whatIneeded to know.
Reluctantly,Iwithdrew my fingers.Iwanted to suck them clean and taste her juices—insteadIwiped them on my trousers.
“Whydid you stop?”Delilahlooked at me again, shaking her head to get her long curls out of her eyes.
“BecauseIwasn’t putting my fingers in your pussy to pleasure you—Iwas trying to make sure you were still a virgin,”Ireminded her. “AndIwanted to teach you a lesson—you can’t go out and flaunt your body however you want to.Likeit or not, you’re related to thePackmasterwhich means you have to retainsomelevel of dignity and decency.”
“Oh, like the way you were sodecentlyfinger-fucking me just now?”Shesneered.
“Youheard me,Delilah,”Iwarned her. “Andyou’re now under house arrest.Thisfirst time you’ll only be stuck inside for a week.Butif you act out or misbehave again,I’llmake it a month, or two months, or a year!”
Ishoved her, still panting, off my lap and rose from the couch.
“Youcan’t keep me inside against my will!”Delilah’smismatched eyes blazed into mine. “You’remy brother—not my owner!”
“I’myourPackmaster,”Ireminded her. “Ican do anythingIfucking want.”
“I’llcall the police!” she threatened.
“Callthem,”Isaid blandly. “WehaveAlphason the force.”
“Thedoctor then—I’llcall and tell them—”