Page 17 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 17 of Forbidden Desire

“What, that two big meanAlphasare standing guard outside your door and not letting you leave?”Idemanded. “Sothenthe doctorwillcall the police…where we have plenty ofPackmembers, asIsaid.”

“You…you…you big asshole!”Herface screwed up into an expression of pure fury.Toobad for her that the freckles on her cute little nose made her adorable rather than scary.

Ileaned down and shoved my face into hers.

“Faceit, little sister, you’re going to have to take your punishment,”Igrowled. “I’mnot just your big brother—I’myourPackmasterand youwillobey me or face the consequences!”

ThenIturned and walked out, leaving her to fume.

Partof me felt a little bit guilty.MaybeIhad been too hard on her.MaybeIshouldn’t have fingered her pussy.

ButIpushed the guilt away.Itold myselfIhad punished her in the only way she would understand and that she would think twice about ever doing something like stripping again.Also,Ihadn’t finger-fucked her becauseIwanted to—I’donly done it to prove to myself she was still a virgin.Andthank fuck, she seemed to be.

Itold myself all of that—made all the excusesIcould think of.

Buton the ride home in the back of theEscalade,Iput my fingers in my mouth and sucked away the last of her sweet pussy juice whileIremembered how she had bucked back against me and panted whileIthrust into her.

Iwas completely lost…Ijust didn’t know it yet.



Thefirst thingIthought whenIsaw my big brother at the strip club was,Finally!

Thesecond thingIthought was,Holyshit—he’s going to kill me!

Ihad never seenColeso angry before—not in all our time of being adopted siblings.Andlet me tell you, he’s abigguy—six foot six or seven and built like a pro wrestler—so that’s alotto see coming at you.MyadoptedDadwas built the same way, soIguess he gets it from him.

Sorry—give me a minute.Istill can’t remember my adopted mom and dad—Cole’srealmom and dad—without tearing up…

Okay—deep breath.So, at the timeColecaught me atTheDollHouse, it hadn’t been that long since they’d passed…or since the timeIspent in my big brother’s house, with the two of us looking after each other.

Icouldn’t think about those few precious weeks with him without being overcome by a sense of longing…and loss.Becausewhen he kicked me out of his life,Ilost the only familyIhad left…and the only man in the worldIhad ever wanted.

I’mgoing to admit something to you now that might sound strange but bear with me—I’mcompletelyin love with my big brother.AndIhave been almost from the momentImet him.

Istill remember that first night after the adoption ceremony—it was a scary ritual for eleven-year-old me.Allthat chanting and pricking our fingers and letting the blood drops fall into the candle flame—it seemed mysterious and ominous and above allpermanent.

IfIhad only known then whatIdo now—that damn ceremony was scary for reasonsIcouldn’t even fathom at the time.Becauseit was going to keep me andColeapart, probably forever.

Butback to that night—Iremember crying in my room, in the strange new bedI’dbeen given to sleep in.Itwas comfortable and clean but it didn’t smell likehome.Myadoptive mom—Cole’smom—used a different laundry detergent than the one my real mom had used.Also, back homeI’dhad my cat,Dinkyto sleep with.Butsince my real parents’ death, he had run away somewhere.Eventhough my adoptive dad—Cole’sdad—had been nice enough to go searching for him several times, he had never come back.

SowhenIsayIfelt all alone,ImeanIfelt likeIhadno onein the worldIcould turn to.Ofcourse, my new parents were nice and my new big brother seemed kind, if distant.ButIdidn’t reallyknowthem.Anddespite the eerie adoption ceremony,Ididn’t really feel likeIbelonged to them either.

WhichmeantIwas lying there, trying to cry quietly, but obviously not succeeding, sinceImanaged to wake upCole.

Iremember freezing in my bed whenIheard him come into my room.Ihad never had an older brother before, butIhad heard awful stories from some of my friends who did.Theytalked about big brothers who locked them in the closet, or sat on their heads and farted in their faces, or hid under the bed and jumped out to scare them at night.Ididn’t really knowColeyet—was he going to bethatkind of big brother?

Iwas scared to find out.

Butwhen he finally started talking, his deep voice was kind.Hewas handsome too—even back then.Mybig brother has thick black hair and these piercing blue eyes that seem to look right through you, but they were gentle that night.Andhe said such nice things—he told meIbelonged to his family now and that he would care for me and protect me.Heeven hugged me and told meIwasn’t responsible for my parents’ deaths—which was a terrible fearIhad been carrying ever sinceI’dheard those horrible gunshots and then found them dead in their bed.

Coleheld me and let me cry andIbreathed in his scent for the first time—it was dark and spicy and somehow completely masculine.Itseemed to get inside me and fill me with warmth.Forthe first time that nightIfelt likeIbelonged…Ifelt likeIwashome.

AndIwas hopelessly in love with my big brother…even thoughIdidn’t quite know it yet.

Tobe honest,Ididn’t really understand my feelings forColeuntil after my adoptive parents died and we spent those months together in his house.That’sbecauseI’mwhat theWerescall a “dud” or a “blank”—a femaleWerethat hasWereDNAbut never develops anyWerecharacteristics.MeaningInever went intoHeator even had a partialHeatCycle—for whichIthink my adoptive parents were extremely grateful.Ifyou think a regular human teenager is a pain in the ass, you should see a femaleWereof the same age going through her firstHeatCycle.

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