Page 18 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 18 of Forbidden Desire

There’sa reasonWereparents pray for boys instead of girls, and that’s pretty much it.

Asa dud,Ididn’t have much of a sex drive andIwas slow to develop too—extremelyslow.Ididn’t even really start to grow breasts untilIwas nearly twenty-one…at which point my body decided it would go crazy and give me huge ones, maybe to make up for all those years of being flat as pancake.

Butthough my body matured, my sex drive didn’t…untilIspent that time withCole.

Itstarted innocently enough—Ijust wanted to be close to him.Hewas the only familyIhad left, after all, andIwas grieving hard, missing my adoptive mom and dad so muchIfelt likeIcould hardly breathe some days.Sosnuggling up withColeand being wrapped in his strong, muscular arms felt wonderful.Hewas the only source of love and safety and securityIhad left.

Inever wanted to lose him.

Butthat wasn’t whyIstarted trying to get even closer toCole…in a way that brothers and sisters aren’t usually close.Itwas because being near him, breathing in his spicy, masculine scent every night, seemed to do something to my body.Itwoke me up in a wayInever would have dreamed was possible.

Allmy life, it seemed,I’dbeen reading about sex, watching people in movies andTVwanting it, pursuing it, doing anything they could to get it.Butuntil that time withCole,Ididn’t understand.Whatwas the big deal about it,Iused to wonder?Whydid people care so much about love and romance and kissing and fucking?

Butwhen my body woke up, it did it in amajorway.Suddenlymy nipples were tender and sensitive and my pussy was hot and wet.Ifound new pleasure in being cuddled up next to my big brother.Itwasn’t just the way he made me feel safe and warm…it was the way my body reacted to his.Iwanted him in waysIknew were probably wrong…butIcouldn’t deny.

Iwanted to bemorethan justCole’slittle sister,Ifinally admitted to myself.Iwanted to do more than just hug and cuddle with him—Iwanted to get closer—as close as possible.Iwanted more than just platonic, brotherly love from him.Iwanted to feel him inside me, taking me…owning me…making me his forever.

Ididn’t think he felt the same though…until one night whenImade a discovery.

Ihad noticed during our time sleeping in the same bed thatColeoften had to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.Andhe was in there so long,Ioften wondered what was going on.Soone night,Ifollowed him.

I’llnever forget whatIsaw whenIlooked through the crack in the bathroom door.Itwas a scene that shocked me…yet it also gave me hope.

Colewas standing there, one hand braced on the sink and the other between his muscular thighs.AtfirstIcouldn’t tell what he was doing, but then he moved just a little andIwas able to get an eyeful.Hehad one big hand fisted around a huge, thick cock and he was sliding his hand up and down rapidly.

Mybig brother was jerking off.

Iwatched him, fascinated with whatIwas seeing.Ihad never watched much porn before becauseIhad never been interested—butIdefinitely found myself interested now.Cole’shand was moving rapidly, and his cock was so big and hard and red it looked like ithadto hurt.Istill couldn’t believe the size of it…and thenIheard him groan.

“God, baby…” his deep voice rumbled. “Whydo you have to be so hot?Whycan’tIstop thinking about you?”

Andthen something seemed to happen to his cock—somehow it got even thicker and then he began to shoot his creamy white seed all over his own flat belly.

“Delilah!”Colethrew back his head and groaned my name as the hot seed fountained out of the tip of his massive cock. “God, little sister—it’s so wrong to want you this way!”

Iwatched in amazement, my nipples tight and achy and my pussy throbbing asIheard him say my name.

Whenat last his orgasm was over,Isaw him bow his head.

“Oh, little sister…”Iheard him say. “Whycouldn’t you have stayed little?Whydid you have to get such ripe, juicy tits and such a sweet little pussy?HowcanIeverget you out of my head?”

Iwas so shockedIstayed there, watching through the crack in the door, until it was almost too late.Itwasn’t untilColehad cleaned himself up and was heading for the bathroom door thatIrealizedIwas about to get caught.

Iscampered back to bed and dove under the covers, somehow managing to look likeIwas fast asleep when he slipped back into bed with me.Butinside, my whole body was alive with desire and excitement.

Colewanted me too!Thiswasn’t a one-way street—my big brother desired me the same wayIdesired him.Therewas hope!

AndsoIbegan to try, in my immature and amateurish way, to seduce him.

WhenIlook back on it now,Ican see how stupidIwas.Iwent about it all the wrong way, butIwas inexperienced.I’dnever been with a man before—neverwantedto be with one, untilColewoke my body up.

Ididn’t know how to go about letting him know thatIwanted him.Itried watching porn for pointers, but all of it seemed so rough—sobrutal.Themen always rammed themselves into the women, fucking hard and fast before shooting their cum.

Ididn’t like the idea of being taken so roughly—andColeis such a big guy the idea was kind of scary.Butafter a while, the need inside me grew so deepIdecidedIwould risk it.Iwould rather have rough sex withColethan no sex at all,Ithought.

Ibought myself some new outfits and started showing more of my body.Iknew from listening to him jerk off—and believe me,Iwent to watch him more than once after that first time—that he especially liked my breasts.SoIstarted wearing thinner and shorter nightshirts—making sure the fabric was see-through and silky so it clung to my curves and let my nipples poke out.

Icould tellIwas affectingCole—he was visiting the bathroom more and more frequently to take care of himself.Buthe still wasn’t making a move on me andIdidn’t know how to make a move on him.

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