Page 19 of Forbidden Desire
Itried pretending to be asleep, after carefully lifting my shirt to show one of my breasts…butColeonly pulled down the shirt to cover me up.Imade sure to show him my pussy too, wearing the tiniest little pantiesIcould find.Butagain…nothing.
Finallyone night,Iput on the sluttiest little outfitIcould find and decided to take my chances.
AtfirstIthought the new outfit—a tiny babydoll nighty which was basically see-through—was a success.Cole’spiercing blue eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw me in it.Butthen he tried to make me sleep in the other room—soIthoughtIhad gone too far.
Ishould have just gone to the guest room that night and tried again later—Iknow that now.Butat the time,Iwas beginning to feel desperate to be with him.Iwasn’t inHeat—not exactly.Buteven when they’re not inHeat, femaleWereshave a very high sex drive.Wecravesex like a starving man craves food, which was somethingIwas only just starting to find out.
IgotColeto fondle my breasts—whichIknew he loved—by asking for his opinion on if they were too big or not.Ireally did have a human guy tell me they were—butColedidn’t seem to agree.Heeven told me my breasts were perfect as he thumbed my nipples gently.
Sparksof pleasure were floating through my whole body andIwas high on the sensation offinallyhaving my big brother’s hands on me in the way thatIneeded them.
AndthenIbecame overconfident and went too far.Iasked him to touch my pussy too—to see ifIwas “too wet.”Inmy defense,Ireally didn’t know ifIwas or not.Mypussy had only just started getting wet and the amount of honeyImade seemed excessive to me.
Onceagain,Coleassured me thatIwas all right—that my body was beautiful and normal and good.Ican’t tell you how much his validation meant to me.Andhe was being so gentle too—not rough like they were in the porn vidsI’dwatched.Hestroked my clit so gently, sending sparks of pleasure through my entire body.Idesperately wanted more and it seemed likeColedid too.
Andthen everything changed.
Hesuddenly pulled away from me and got a look of disgust on his face.Notfor me,Idon’t think—maybe for himself and what he’d allowed himself to do to me—the way he’d allowed himself to touch me.
Ishould have left then and there—should have let him cool off.Wecould have talked about it later andIcould have tried again.Butno—Igot scared that he would leave me and that made me desperate.
Ioffered myself to him in a way no little sister should ever offer herself to her big brother.Ieven assumed the breeding position and told him he could knot me and give me a breeding bump if he wanted to.WasIscared of his huge cock?YesIwas.ButwasIwilling to take it if that was the only wayIcould have him?Also, yes.
ButIhad gone too far.Myoffer to let him knot and breed me horrified my big brother.Somuch so that he left the house completely.
Ispent the night crying in the bed, pressing my face to his pillow to breathe in his scent, which was all he had left behind.ButInever dreamed what he would do next—Inever imagined he would put me out of his life for good and never want to see me again.
Tryto imagine how devastatedIfelt.Myonly family—the one man in the worldIdepended on for love and connection and emotional support—was suddenly gone.Coleleft me—abandoned me like both sets of parents before him.
Itwas more painful thanIcan say—Iseriously considered ending things for two or three months.Iwas right on the edge.
ButthenIbegan to think more rationally.Itoccurred to me that the only reasonColedidn’t want to be with me was the stupidPackLawthat said we were brother and sister, even though there were no blood ties between us.Thatadoption ceremony his parents had performed had sealed our fate…at least as far as theUnbreakableLawswere concerned.
Thething was, though, thatIknewthat he loved me—all the times he’d held and comforted and protected me told me that.AndIknew that he wanted me too—how many times hadIwatched him jerk off and groan my name when he came?
Soit was just that stupidUnbreakableLawstanding between us.AndIwas determined to overcome it.Butfirst,Ihad to getColeback into my life.Andthat wasnoteasy.
Allthrough my childhood and adolescence,Ihad been a model of good behavior.ButnowIstarted getting into trouble on a regular basis.Igot speeding tickets and parking tickets.Ijoined protests whereIknewIwould get arrested.Ieven pretendedIwas joining anMLM—IsentColean email, asking him how muchIshould put into it to start with.
Butevery time, my big brother came and cleaned up my mess, he immediately left again.Leftme alone and lonely, starving for his love.
Ithink if he would have moved on, maybe mated with another femaleWere,Iwould have been able to give up on him.Buthe didn’t.Eventhough every eligibleWerefemale in thePack—and some from outsidePacksas well—were throwing themselves at him,Colenever gave any of them the time of day.Asfar asIcould tell, watching him from afar, he was celibate and miserable and so wasI.
Idon’t know howImanaged not to go intoHeatduring this time.Mybody was awake and alive in a way it hadn’t been before and my sex drive was raging…but the only manIwanted was the oneIcouldn’t have.Istarted buying sex toys and using them.
Buteven asIfilled myself with a toy and tried to fantasize about other menIhad seen, the only oneIcould think of wasCole.Iremembered how he used to hold me…and the way he had touched me, teasing my nipples and stroking my clit so gently before he pulled away.Iused to imagine the toy inside me was my big brother’s cock fucking me…breeding me… butIbegan to fear thatIwould never feel the real thing filling me up.
Butthen, during an especially low point whenIwas beginning to wonder ifIshould just give up, my greatest idea to get andkeepmy big brother’s attention was born…the idea to start stripping.
Theplan formed in my mind whileIwas watching that oldDemiMooremovie onTVone night.Colehad just bailed me out of jail for protesting with thePETApeople but then he had turned right around and left without another word afterwards.Iwas feeling low and hopeless…and then that movie came on.Idon’t even remember the name of it, but it gave me hope again andIknew whatIhad to do.
Ibought a stripper pole to put in my spare room.Itwas full of junk butIcleared it out and made it my dance studio.ThenIbought some seven-inch platform heels and watched endless tutorials onYouTube, trying to learn how to ride the pole.
Igot pretty good at it, ifIsay so myself.I’ma curvy girl butI’vealways been graceful.Butdoing it in private in the comfort and safety of my own spare room was a hell of a lot different from doing it in public in front of a bunch of horny, drunk men.
I’mnot much of an exhibitionist—except when it came to trying to seduceCole—soIwas scared to death whenIwent to audition.Tampahas plenty of strip clubs, butIchoseTheDollHousebecauseIknew the bouncer there was aWere…andIknew he would get word back to my brother that his little sister was stripping.
Sureenough, on only my third night atTheDollHouse, things finally came to a head.ButwhenIsaw how angryIhad madeCole,Iwasn’t sureIhad done the right thing.Henearly beat the drunk asshole who had been groping me to death!Andwhen he turned to me, his eyes were blazing and his mouth was a thin white line.Ihad never seen him this enraged andIcouldn’t help the fear that filled me.