Page 20 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 20 of Forbidden Desire

Ihad gotten my big brother’s attention all right, but what was he going to do to me?

Well,Icertainly found out.Istill couldn’t believe thatColehad put me over his knee andspankedme!Hehadn’t gone easy on me either—it was most definitely a punishment spanking.Butfor some reason—maybe becauseIwas finally the center of my big brother’s attention again—it made me wet.Sowet.

Andthen he’d put his fingers inside me.

Mypussy was still throbbing asIremembered the feeling of him thrusting into me, demanding to know ifIwas still a virgin.Iwanted to tell him thatIwas saving myself for him…butIwas too angry…and too hot.I’dbeen hoping that he might make me come—Iwas getting really close and he spent a long time fingering me.Buthe didn’t ever touch my throbbing clit soIcouldn’t get enough stimulation to finally tilt over the edge.Itwasextremelyfrustrating.

NowIwas hobbling around my townhouse with a sore backside, under “house arrest” asColeput it, with my pussy throbbing, unable to leave for any reason for the entire next week.Iwas going to have to see ifIcould do my classes online—which was luckily an option for most of them.

ButIcouldn’t help thinkingIhad made some progress.Afterall,Colehadn’t just spanked me—he had fingered me too.Mypussy was still hot from the feeling of his long fingers sliding deep inside me.Andhe had seemedextremelyworried thatIwasn’t a virgin anymore.AsifIwould let any of the drunk, disgusting humans at the strip club fuck me!Theonly cockIwanted in my pussy was my sweet big brother’s…but how wasIever going to get it?

Iknew ifIcould getColeto ignore that stupidPacklaw and breed me just once, he would stay with me.He’sthat kind of a guy—very loyal and true.Oncehe makes a commitment, he sticks to it.Henever would have left me if it wasn’t for that damnLaw—we could be together right now with his baby swelling my belly, sleeping in each other’s arms every night and loving each other every day if it wasn’t for that.

ButcouldIpush him into breeding me?Ididn’t know.Icouldn’t strip any more—not right this minute with two hugeAlphaguards outside my front door, anyway.Iwould have to think of something else…but what?

IwantedColemore than ever butIdidn’t know how to get him.Ihad no idea that fate was about to take a hand because my big brother wanted me too…even if he couldn’t admit it to himself.



“We’veheard there was as problem with your little sister,Cole.”JackRickterraised his bushy salt and pepper eyebrows at me disapprovingly the momentIwalked into theCouncilroom—which was just the conference room at his office building.Ithad a long oval table and theCouncilmembers were sitting at it, all in a row on one side withRickterat the head.

He’sa leading businessman here inTampa, which he thinks makes him hot shit.Andit might, in the human world.Butin the world of thePack, it’s not business acumen that determines your place and importance—it’s the size and ferocity of yourWolf.Rickter’sWolfwas puny and scrawny—Ithink it’s one reason he so clearly resented me.Thatand the fact thatIwas nearly twenty years younger than him, yetIwas theHeadAlphaand he was a has-been who was never going to run at the front of thePack.

“That’s‘PackmasterCole,’ to you,CouncilmemberRickter,”Icorrected him sharply. “Andthere’s no problem with my sister—I’vealready taken care of it.”

TheotherCouncilmembers—there were five of them—murmured among themselves andRickterfrowned at me.

“That’snot whatIheard.Myinformation is that your little sister,Delilah, has been making a display of herself in a certainGentleman’sClubacross town,” he said pointedly. “WhichI’msure you know isnotacceptable to theCouncil.”

“It’snot acceptable to me either,”Igrowled. “Whichis whyItook care of it.Delilahis under house arrest in her townhouse right now—I’vegot twoAlphaguards outside her place which means she can’t go in or out for any reason.Ihave alsopersonallycalled up every strip club in town and let them know what will happen to them if they hire her.Believeme—nobody is going to want her within a mile of their establishment now.”

Butthis still didn’t seem to pleaseRickter—which didn’t surprise me.Nothingever seemed to please the old bastard.

Isay “old” but he was actually a year younger than myDadwas when he and my mom died in the crash.Hewas tall—though not as tall as me—and he was going bald on top.Whenhe shifted into hisFurForm, hisWolfhad patchy brown fur and shifty yellow eyes.Ididn’t fucking trust him.

Ialways got the feeling thatRickterthought he’d make a betterPackmasterthan me—he was always talking about my “inexperience” and my “lack of wisdom”—as though myDadhadn’t been raising me all my life to fill this position.ItwasRickter’sidea to form aProvisionalCouncilwhen myDaddied—to help “guide the newPackmaster” until they feltIwas ready to take over the role completely.

Inever should have gone along with it—Iwouldn’t have ifRickterhadn’t made such a stink and so many of the olderPackmembers hadn’t agreed with him.ButIwasn’t going to put up with it forever.Iwas nearing thirty now—the same age my dad was when he took over asPackmaster.Assoon asIgot there,Iplanned to take a mate to solidify my position and then dissolve theProvisionalCouncilcompletely.

Ofcourse, whoIwas going to take for a mate was still up in the air.Ihad lots of ripeWerebitches throwing themselves at me…but somehow,Ididn’t find any of them appealing.WhenIclosed my eyes, allIsaw wasDelilah…whichIknew was all kinds of wrong.SoIwas putting off the decision and just marking time untilIturned thirty…which would be very soon now.ThenIwould kickRickterand theCouncilto the fucking curb and not look back.

“Ithink it might be a good idea if your little sister was settled and mated,”Ricktersaid, interrupting my vivid fantasies of getting rid of him.

“Mated?Whatare you talking about?”Idemanded, frowning. “Delilahcan’t get mated—she’s a dud.”

Ricktercleared his throat delicately.

“Excuseme, but have you seen your sister lately,Packmaster?”Heput a heavy sarcastic emphasis on my title, as though humoring a child. “It’sclear that her body has ripened and she’s no longer a dud.Infact, we of theCouncilthink it’s very possible that she might even go into her firstHeatCyclevery soon now.”

“Andjustwhereexactly did you see her?”Idemanded.Stridingacross to the table, where the five of them were sitting,Ileaned heavily on it and got right inRickter’sface. “Youbetter not have gone toTheDollHouseand watched my little sister strip.”Ididn’t eventryto keep the menacing growl out of my voice. “Sohelp meGod, if you went down there and saw her naked, you fucker—”

“Ididn’t!”Rickter’snarrow, shifty eyes had gone wide as he took in my threat. “Iwouldneverdo such a thing—none of us would!”Heexclaimed and the otherCouncilmembers shook their heads.

“Ifyou didn’t see her strip, then how do you know her body has ‘ripened?’”Idemanded, not ready to let it go.

“I’ve…seen her around town,”Ricktersaid evasively. “She’sgrown into quite a lovely young lady…though rather headstrong,I’mafraid.Weof theCouncilfeel like it might be beneficial if she was mated to anoldermale—someone with the wisdom and life experience to guide her and a firm hand to correct her if she strays.”

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